Happy Christmas! Yes I know it’s rather early for all that but I thought I’d share a little Christmas cheer and I also need your help!
A big thank you!

The first thing to say is thank you, to all of you. My unique visitor stats are sky rocketing and the blog now gets nearly 40k hits a month! Since the end of October it’s continued to rise.
This is really good, and if it continues to grow at this rate it won’t be long before I can reach the magic 100,000 visits per month that commands a healthy advertising revenue.
I already get daily emails asking me to ‘put this on your blog’. Endless pleas for help and suggestions of what I should write about. But how do you turn a blog that was a hobby into a money making machine? That’s the next big challenge. Please pass on the word about whatallergy.com – and if you haven’t visited for a while, please pop by and leave a comment if you feel so inclined.
Are you buying anything on Amazon for Christmas? If so you could really help me out…
The second thing is to ask a little favour. I know, it’s still November, but I wanted to get in early with the Christmas pressie band wagon.
If you are looking for present ideas I have loads of discounts for you.
If you’re buying for anyone with allergies, I have a new page with loads of ideas at https://whatallergy.com/affiliates
Cooking Christmas allergen free
I have my brother staying for Christmas with his wife and three kids, as well as mum, aunty and adopted uncle so with me and Mr WhatAllergy that makes TEN people. You might think the little ones don’t eat much but they do!
It’s going to be a mad house, and my lovely brother has taken on the challenge of helping me cook an allergy friendly Christmas. Unlike me, he is adventurous in the kitchen and he’s a very good cook. He’s prepared and shared with me his recipes for doing his own stock, turkey with a twist, even bread sauce, which might be an allergy experiment too far. I’m sure I spotted one for a Yule log too and stollen cake. I can see the need for plenty of new year exercise.
When it’s me in the kitchen, I tend to go for the same things, that I know are quick, easy and we like them, because time is always of the essence. And at times like Christmas, I tend to miss out a little. I’m quite happy with a bowl of fruit, honest. And I really don’t mind not having the Christmas pudding. This year however, with my lactose intolerant niece in the house and me – allergic to everything – we’re up for the challenge.
If you follow my blog watch out for some Christmas Cooking posts from me and my bro.
Hopefully I will make a very good sous-chef and everyone else will help wash up all the mess we make in the kitchen.
Keep checking back on the blog for allergen friendly Christmas ideas and some recipes in the build up to Christmas.
Wishing you an allergy free, happy and healthy Christmas, and remember, if you’re looking for discounts off eczema, allergy and asthma products visit my Discounts page for promo codes: http://whatallergy.com/affiliates
You won’t regret it, and every little you spend helps me keep this blog going, because it costs money to host, maintain and protect it from nasty bots!
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