Allergy Awareness Week just keeps on getting better and better. Today I give you, the new Nairns oakcake tins!
You’ll never find a dead one crumbled in the bottom of your bag ever again.
Always a sad way for a humble oat cake to go; ignored, lost and disintegrated into a pile of stale crumbs. Much better nice and crisp and inside your tummy.
They are the perfect size for the new packs of finger shaped oatcakes, one and half packs of the normal sized oat cakes or a couple of packs of Muesli Breaks.
All you have to do to get yourself one of these beautiful little tins and some delicious gluten and/or wheat free oatcakes is comment below.
If noone enters I will eat all the muesli break oatcakes myself 😛
Tell us why you’d like one and what you’ll be keeping in yours.
There will be more than one tin to win so don’t hold back. Nairns are sending me a shipment of them (not sure how many but don’t get too excited…) so get in there quick.
This competition will be awarded on a strictly first come, first served basis.
On your marks, get set… GO!
Nairns are one of the few things that multiple allergy child (3yo) and non allergy child (6yo) actually both want to eat by choice… buggy *always* has a crushed box of biscuits hanging out in the bottom of it, along with the other allergy things we need … only problem will be; who gets to hold the tin?
You’ll probably need two tins! I’ll see what I can do. Depends on how many entries I get and how many tins they send me. 🙂
I might have to suss out if Nairns are selling them somewhere…. :-/ Or pretend the tin belongs to the new baby (due any day now….) 🙂
Hi Karen, well done, you won a Nairns Oak Cake tin. Can you email me with your address so I get it posted out to you? Thanks
Can they be used to put Cheddar buscuits in too?
As long as you don’t put cheddar biscuits into your wife’s freefrom oatcake tin, leave crumbs and don’t tell her. Yes you can put cheddars in, but don’t tell Nairns I said that. Really they should have Nairns oatcakes in them. It’s the law.
Well done Ken, you also won a Nairns oat cake tin. Enjoy! I’ll be in touch for you address
Great idea. Yes please!
Hi Lee, well done! You won a Nairns oat cake tin. Can you please send me your address and I’ll pop one in the post for you. Email is
Quite a handy idea. And thanks for the website, great info.
Hi Jacqueline, well done, you just won a Nairns Oat cake tin. Please email me your address to and I’ll pop one in the post to you.
This would keep my oatcakes away from my partner’s bread and, more importantly, the breadcrumbs, which seem to get everywhere!
Hi Kaye, well done! You’ve won a Nairns oat cake tin. Can you please email me with your postal address and I’ll pop one in the post to you. My email is
Love Nairn oatcakes but always seem to find multiple packs opened in the box with the oatcakes going soft. Their own special tin will solve the softness issue but not the ‘everyone else eating my oatcakes’ problem!
Hi Karen, well done, you’ve just won a Nairns oak cake tin. Please could you email me your postal address so I can send it to you. Thanks
I’d love to win as my cupboards are a mess and need some pretty tins and tubs to tidy them up. Love nairns oatcakes
Hi Michelle, congratulations! You’ve just won a Nairns oat cake tin. Please could you email me your address so I can post one to you.
Would love to win a Nairns tin to give to my friend at work as a surprise. She adores Nairns oatcakes, always has them in her drawers. It would make her day. Thanks.
Hi Elaine, your lucky friend will be delighted with her new Nairns oak cake tin. Well done! you won one of the ten tins they sent me. Please could you email your postal address and I’ll get one out in the post to you.
I would keep stacks of oatcakes and the occasional crumb!
Hi Lynne, well done! You won one of the ten Nairns oat cake tins up for grabs. Can you please email me your address so I can post it to you? Thanks
Love Nairns Oatcakes. The wee tins are lovely too. Would use this to pack my partners lunch oatcakes in…maybe 😉
Well done Sara – you are now the proud owner of a Nairns oak cake tin. Please could you email me your address so I can post you one please?
My Nairns Course Oat Cakes
I love pretty things, like,this tin, and I love Nairns oatcakes! I am gluten and dairy intolerant and my partner is a coeliac, so we love Nairns oatcakes for an on the go snack, especially their oats and fruit biscuit breaks. My personal fave are their whole grain crackers. Oats float my boat. 🙂
Very cute. Just the right size for my handbag. X
these tins are so cute! I love nairns fruit biscuits and fine milled oatcakes, so would use the tin to keep these in and keep them fresh in my handbag/gym bag for my healthy on the go snacks!
Choc chip or mixed berry oat biscuits!! My faves, so tasty and kind to my tummy (I have IBS so I avoid dairy.) One of these lovely tins would protect my biscuits being smashed about in my rucksack. Nothing worse than a broken biscuit 🙁
Yes please, love Nairn oatcakes, all varieties as long as they are wheat free. More interesting flavours and textures than any others.
My daughter and I are both gluten intolerant and Nairns GF oatcakes are one of our favourite treats. Would love a tin to keep them in, away from the boys’ regular snacks.
I would love one as I absolutely adore Nairns oatcakes! I can’t get enough of them. We have some amazing cheeses around here and I’m a sucker for them.
The stem ginger oatcakes and the dark chocolate ones are my favourite. Would really like a special tin to keep them in.
My family love the Rough Oatcakes and the Oat Crackers with sunflower seeds. I must admit that they disappear pretty quickly so it would be great to have a tin I could hide somewhere for myself!
Love the tin looks a perfect size to put my nibbles in . I would use it for my crackers. I like the Nairn oat crackers with the sunflower seeds and they add a nice crunch to some humus. I could also use the tin for mini rice crackers and other nibbles on my Weight Watchers diet!
My friend at work absolutely loves Nairns, she always has them in her drawers. It would make her day if I were to win her a tin. She is the queen of Nairns!
Nairns are the only biscuits we eat in our house (the breakfast muesli ones are especially nice) but often they end up as crumbs in the bottom of handbags and gym bags. A tin would solve the problem please
I think Karen who commented first should get one – no two tins – I love that my children think these are a treat, as Nana and Aunt Ruth both carry them and often give them out from their hand bags !
Would love to win this as I love the Nairn biscuits especially the chocolate chip ones, but all of them, as I’m the only one in household that hes a gluten free diet
Would be brilliant to have, no more crumbs at bottom of handbag!
I love Nairn’s oatcakes and their biscuit breaks. Such a treat for coeliacs and they are just like real biscuits.
Tins look perfect for avoiding the Pile of Crumbs Syndrome.
Also perfect excuse for getting a bigger handbag!
Kiwi peel munched with plain GF Nairn Oatcake tastes like porridge with honey. My daughter agrees!
I would absolutely love a nairns tin to keep my rough oatcakes in, as they constantly break when I store them in plastic bags!! This is majorly annoying due to the fact that I like to enjoy a few oatcakes every day! Please send me a tin, i’m a huge fan!
I’d keep Nairns oatcakes in them – well, not personally – I’d love the tin for my Dad! Is that allowed?!
I would use it to store Nairn’s dark choc chip biscuits or maybe some nuts and seeds for snacks on the go.
Please send me a nairns tin, as my rough oatcakes constantly get broken when i store them in plastic bags! Its such a pain!
I’d love a little tin to keep my oatcakes safe and uncrumbley in my bag. I just always have a packet in my bag wherever I go – the Eurostar to Paris, even to the Allergy and Free From Food Awards, just everywhere in case I can’t eat what is ther and just know I will get ravenous. I do like Nairns Oatcakes just as they are, simple, tasty, with a crisp texture, and now with a tin they would be uncrumbled!!! Brilliant.
WOW! What a marvellous response. I will have to get out the bat phone to Nairn’s and order another shipment. I hope you can all have one but I will have to wait and see how many they send. I love all your ideas too so thanks so much everyone for taking part and Happy Allergy Awareness Week to you all. We all clearly love an oat cake 🙂
I need this to stop my oatcakes going soft. No that isn’t a euphemism.
Great little tin and I love Nairn Oatcakes
Love this!!
Ruth, people do read your blog!! ?
It would appear LOTS of people do! I’m away at the moment and my phone has pinging with comment notifications on this one. I am gonna have to make an appeal to Nairns to do this comp again or ship me a van load :o) How are you Chen?
I’m trying to loose some weight and these thins would be perfect for those perish moments keeping the oakcakes in the bag in one piece.
Hi Ruth, have the winners been selected yet?
I’m just trying to confirm with Nairns how many tins I can give away. I sent the link to show how much interest there was. Watch this space…
Right you lot, finally I have ten nairns oat cake tins in my possession to post out to you guys AND some muesli oat cakes in each one too. So the first ten above win. I will be contacting you for your addresses now. Well done! Weeeeeee
Fair enough -shame I was 12th! 🙁 congrats guys