The allergen regulations came into play in December 2014, almost six months ago, so food service businesses have had quite some time to get ready for the allergic community. There was plenty of warning before the regulations came into effect but many establishments may still be very unprepared for catering for an allergic diner.
ITV ran a story on the 6 o’clock news on the 10th July and I was really proud to be asked to visit them to talk about eating out with serious allergies.
How are things since the allergen regulations came out?
Is it OK just to warn customers that you don’t know and that cross contamination should be such an issue that they should not risk eating there?
Under the new EU Allergen regulations a response like this would be breaking the law and discriminating against allergic diners. You could also be missing out on revenue if you are not aware that your food is suitable – so if you run a takeaway outlet, make sure you can answer simple questions about what’s in your food.
Is it too much to ask that vendors understand the ingredients in the products they are selling and preparing for consumption? It’s really not that much harder to understand than the complex and very strict regulations for food hygiene and safety. In fact, it’s very similar. The food is potentially life threatening for the allergic consumer so it’s paramount to be able to give up-to-date and accurate advice to customers with dietary restrictions.
The Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH) recently commissioned a study into takeaway businesses in the UK and found very alarming results. You can read their paper ‘Reducing the risk to allergic consumers from takeaways breaking the law’.
It may sound harsh to say these takeaways are breaking the law but that is exactly what they are doing if they don’t make sure they understand what the 14 allergens are and whether the food they serve either
a) contains any allergens or
b) could easily cross contaminate due to the cooking and preparation procedures.
The report states that:
Each year in the UK, some 5000 of the 2 million people living with food allergies need hospital treatment for severe allergic reactions and 10 die from food-induced anaphylaxis.
Why you should never eat takeaway chicken (unless you’re really sure)
The RSPH has uncovered an alarmingly low level of allergen awareness and provision of information persisting in the takeaway sector. In a mystery dining investigation, we found that
- over two thirds (70%) of takeaways appeared to be flouting the law by not providing information in the right way.
- Over half (54%) did not know whether one of the major allergens was in their food.
- Worryingly, four in five (80%) did not appear to have system in place to ensure the information they are providing is accurate and verifiable
- With nine in ten unable to evidence this when requested.
- Takeaways mainly serving fried chicken performed the worst: none of the outlets appeared to have a record of major allergens in their dishes or a notice to tell customer where to get information
- and four in five (80%) could not tell us whether one of the major allergens was in a meal.
It doesn’t make for pleasant reading does it?
Why I don’t eat out at takeaways
This report is worrying but as someone with multiple life threatening allergies I have not eaten out from a takeaway, especially Indian or ethnic for about 25 years. It’s just not safe. I will eat at certain fish and chip shops where I can determine that the chips are gluten and wheat free and they can do me a dairy and wheat free batter.
It seems that this avoidance has been with good reason. I know that these are places where I have had near misses in the past. You don’t see the kitchen or the food being prepared and nothing comes labelled. It’s just too risky. Until things change I would suggest you all heed my advice and avoid takeaways if you have allergies.
PrintWorks Kitchen – a freefrom cafe where I feel safe and special
As part of the ITN filming, of me talking about what it’s like eating out with allergies and why I don’t eat out at takeaways, we visited The PrintWorks Kitchen (since closed). It was an impromtu visit which came about due to the good listening skills of the researcher and reporter at ITV. I told them I was going to this freefrom cafe for lunch after filming and they pounced on the opportunity to film in a cafe without too much planning.

So a phone call later we arrived with camera crew in tow to put Catherine Rose, one of the founders of the cafe, through her performance paces. She did really well, despite the short notice and having to make numerous cups of coffee on camera and serve chocolate brownie cake from many different angles on different plates. The snazzy leggings, sadly not visible here, were the show stoppers.
I promise I looked a damn sight happier than I do in this still from the live news after the film crew and reporter had gone and Catherine and I sat down to enjoy a well earned coffee or two and that cake.
After looking at it, ordering and slicing into every which way for half an hour I really enjoyed eating it.
This is what I had… well what was left of it.
After filming I deserved the cake and forgot to photograph it. There was a cherry on top and everything. I had coconut milk in my coffee, ask for the list of different plant based milks on offer.
They also have a separate dairy free nozzle for frothing the milk to avoid contamination with cow’s milk in the regular coffees. Make sure you ask for dairy free milk and you’ll be safe.
Lunch was this rather tasty toasted sarnie, made in the dedicated gluten free bread toaster which is hidden away from any bready areas of the kitchen.
Michelle Berriedale-Johnson of The FreeFrom Food and Eating out Awards was also filmed for the same programme at Olleys Fish bar in South London, a takeaway that does understand the regulations so well worth the visit if you fancy posh fish and chips.
You can read her review of the report here: Allergy Awareness or the lack of it in high street takeaways
Caroline Oldham, the founder of BiteAppy, a new app which helps people with coeliac disease and allergies find safe places to eat is speaking about this very subject at The Takeaway Expo in September. Biteappy lists restaurants worldwide.
You might also like to check out Can I eat there which is also an app for people with allergies and food intolerances with 12,000 restaurants listed in the UK.
I am trying to get hold of footage of the news which was aired on the 6 o’clock news in ITV on Friday 10th July, but not having much luck. I will share it here if and when I succeed to track it down.
Have you had problems getting a takeaway that was allergen free? Or do you avoid takeaways? Have you found eating out easier since the new regulations?
Well done again Ruth x
Thank you! It was really good fun and hopefully may have helped spread that word. Hope I can get a clip of it so we can all watch it again. Seems like ages ago now.
Hi Ruth
Great stuff. I wish you would have gone to any of those restaurants that complained about the new regulation (Top chefs writing to the Telegraph)! Put them on the spot (with camera crew of course!!). Keep up the good work!
Hi Chen, now wouldn’t that be a fun thing to do! I’d love to put them on the spot, each and every one. Not sure I’m that kind of journalist but I’d love do that. Do I have the guts? I have a list somewhere. I must plot my attack and catch them unawares and then share the bets bits. Would make for fun watching but may not be pleasant if they still have the same views.
Well,that is all very interesting. But that free from cafe is not the only one as you know very well. In some places,owners/staff encourage customers to tell them what they fancy next time,what they would like to eat. Some of us can be very adventurous when comes to free from foods. Everybody can read piece of paper but know exactly what is in the cake/scone/focaccia ,how it is made is different story. Just because some of them are situated away from London,most people do not know.I don’t think London needs much of a advertising. Also some of us know lot more about allergies, exactly how much of what flour mix is in a cake or savoury. It is simple for some of them to use ready mixed flour,but make your own is not so simple. Also not everybody remembers customer,his allergy/intolerance/sensitivity. Simply said,there is lot more to it than just work there
Morning Lucia, Thanks for the comment. I have blogged about The Perfect Retreat (Lucia’s freefrom cafe) in Chesham, Bucks before. – if anyone wants freefrom cake they should visit Lucia’s cafe. She can make the most amazing cakes but always check ingredients and if you can, phone ahead and she can make sure there is more choice for you.
“I don’t think London needs much of a advertising”
That statement comes across as completely self serving !! As a recently diagnosed food allergy sufferer I can tell you EVERYWHERE needs advertising.
You may do amazing work, but please don’t criticise people for speaking up for those of us IN London that don’t have as much knowledge as you do !
I for one am extremely grateful for any suggestion of allergy friendly places to eat – more so when they happen to be less than half a mile from where I am sitting at the moment, but I wouldn’t have known that without this blog.
Wayne, please do go to visit the Printworks Kitchen. Catherine is a baking goddess. I would recommend you phone or email beforehand and tell her what you can and can’t eat and go prepared to buy a box of doughnuts etc. to take home. She can make brownies, flapjacks, sponge and fairy cakes but doesn’t always have a full stock in. And yes, I agree – everywhere doing FREEFROM rocks in my book.
I definitely will visit the Printworks Kitchen this week.
I didn’t know about the free from eating out awards until I visited this site – there are tons of links for me to go through. Thank you very much – I’ll be following your blog closely.