The increase in the number of people with allergies, coeliac disease and food intolerances has seen a massive rise in the number of freefrom foods in the shops. Many of those who avoid certain foods have skin problems such as eczema if they do come into contact with that particular allergen. There are contact allergens too like grass, pollen, dust and animal dander.
We can do our best to avoid our triggers but what are the ingredients in your shampoo? Even many that are sold as natural, organic and suitable for dandruff, eczema and scaly scalps often contain some really nasty chemical ingredients, as I discovered in a recent analysis of shampoos for eczema skin.
Have you ever stopped to examine the ingredients in your shampoo and other skin care products?

If you haven’t considered this and are interested in finding out more please read this list of 93 chemicals that scientists know can cause dermatitis and skin problems for those with sensitive skin.
93 (and counting) common shampoo ingredients they know cause contact dermatitis
And when you’ve read the label and wondered where on earth to start when replacing your shampoo with something more kind to your scalp, read my run down on some chemical free shampoos.
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