What is all the fuss about with Oreos? At work, if anyone is traveling to America there is a whole bunch of my colleagues who are clamouring for particular Oreo’s to be brought back through customs for them. I mean, do they really need so many flavours? Birthday cake Oreo, banana split oreo, peanut butter oreo… Clare – your Oreo fetish is now famous.
And because I have had a nut allergy pretty much all my life, and now a wheat, dairy and soya allergy, I’ve never eaten an Oreo.
I’ve also never eaten a Snickers bar for obvious reasons.
I have never eaten a Toblerone.
Nor a Cadbury’s Fruit and Nut bar.
Playing Russian Roulette with Revels
But as a child I did play Russian Roulette with the Revels. Please note, this was years before we knew my nut allergy was life threatening. Did anyone else do this? Back in the days before we knew what anaphylaxis was?
The doctor just told my mum, “OK so she seems to have some kind of reaction when she eats nuts. Don’t give her nuts.” Good advice but lacking in any urgency!
I used to suck the chocolate off until I discovered what was inside… and got to be quite an expert at telling just from the shape, because I got a mild reaction from doing this. Not for the faint-hearted! Kids – please don’t do this at home. But do check out the funny YouTube video for Revels where they play, guess what? Russian Roulette with Revels!
Except I loved the coffee flavour ones and hated the peanut ones. Even more disgusting? I think my brother may have eaten the part sucked peanut reject Revels. In our defence, we didn’t get sweets often… ha ha.
Oreos are disgusting though right?
You can keep telling youself that you don’t miss something you’ve never tried right? I don’t feel the loss of Oreos. Not much anyway. Just a little jealousy for those who can just dip into any biscuit jar or grab any chocolate treat they fancy.

This beauty here is a gluten, dairy and nut free Oreo made by Catherine at Sweetcheeks. They taste amazing but sadly aren’t around any more.
If you want to find out what fellow gluten free and almond allergic blogger Gluten Free Mrs D thought of these, read, Sweetcheeks gluten-free, vegan baked goods blog
Dairy free Oreos from Nabisko
Imagine my surprise while researching and updating this blog, to discover that Oreos are dairy free, or at least some flavours are free from milk and vegan! Some flavours are also gluten free.
Read this US blog, Oreos go dairy free here for a list of the ones that are dairy free. Most of these appear to contain gluten and or nuts too so not great for everyone.

Gluten and dairy free Oreos – who knew!
Check out the new Gluten Free Double stuff Oreos. I’ve found these on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk so if you fancy trying them check Amazon!
What do you love instead of Oreos?
What I would love to hear is, what is your favourite freefrom treat and what do you really miss or think you’d miss cos you’ve never even had it? What do you crave from childhood? And what’s the treat you reach for on the freefrom shelves?
You may also be interested in reading:
- Roundup of Oat milks in the UK
- Anaphylaxis – The Essential Guide! The book everyone with anaphylaxis and their family should read!
- Get discounts off allergy and eczema products
Cheese. I really miss cheese. I used to have it with almost everything, literally. The substitutes are ok but they really don’t come close to the real stuff.
I never understood the fascination with Oreos though. They are ok but there are much better biscuits out there, like custard cremes. mmmmm, custard cremes.
Oh I was so in love with Cheese. It’s a bit like an old lover who suddenly decides they don’t want you any more and leaves. I’m still in love with cheese and crave it like you wouldn’t believe. I do like VioLife dairy free cheese. Mozzarizella is also amazing but I can never find it in the shops. Now custard cremes… I used to LOVE those! There are freefrom alternatives but they are a pale comparison. I am now a big fan of Nairns biscuits and Doves Farm do some nice freefrom biccies.
I miss snails. All that lovely garlic butter and parsley. Oh and that weird rubbery taste..
Yeah right, sounds to me like you just liked the buttery sauce. Snails sound horrible, let’s admit that right now. YOu are not missing anything by being allergic to snails
Nah, snails are fine, reminds me a lot of oysters, but earthier. Then again, not everyone likes oysters…