I feel so bad. I’ve been neglecting you all. But please rest assured I haven’t gone anywhere and I still have loads of plans for useful and helpul blogs all piling up just waiting to be written.
Lots has been going on behind the scenes. I’ve been redesigning the whole What Allergy blog so very soon it will have a fresh new look and feel. I hope you like the new version and please let me know any ideas, thoughts of improvements we could make to the site.
It is kind of my life’s work. My hobby. My baby. And it’s mostly only me who writes the blog, apart from the odd guest blogger, which is actually something I’d like to do more of in the coming months so watch out for great things from some other experts in different fields later in the year.
The main reason I haven’t been writing so much is just the usual pace of life and emotions taking up all that lovely creative blogging bit of my brain hostage. But I’m back!
The other reason is that I recently had the worst allergic reaction of my life whilst away on a business trip in America. I plan to write lots about this when I’m ready but at the moment I’m feeling kind of overpowered by the most crippling fear and rage. I am so angry.
Angry with allergies.
Angry with anaphylaxis.
Why have I got this?
How can a tiny bit of dairy in a muffin do such terrible things to my body?
Will the next mistake be the last one?
Because there will be a next time.
We are all only human. We all make mistakes.
I cannot and refuse to live my life in a bubble.
But mostly I am absolutely furious with the restaurant who did this to me.
I know it was a mistake and they have apologised, profusely but I’m so angry.
I am also so very, very grateful to the paramedics and staff at the hospital who treated me. They saved my life.
And forever thankful to my friends and colleagues who were there with me, holding my hand and looking after me.
I will write more when I can. But for now, leave me with my rage! 🙁
Ahh Ruth . Good to see you are back.
So sorry that scary things have happened to you.
Keep well and take that rage out in exercise!!
Hey Alison.. thanks for your support. I’m doing much better now and channeling the anger
Keep your chin up. Very sorry to hear what happened, that is terrible.
Look forward to hearing from you, you do great work!
Hi Murray. Long time no see. Hope you’re well. You will be glad to hear that writing is helping me process it all. Hope you’re well. What travel book are you writing now?
I’m so sorry to learn of your horrible experiences, allergies and our reactions to them are terrifying. So glad to have found this site and I look forward to any future posts you might make. Sending love and empathy.
Ruth x
Thank you so much. Another Ruth! Lovely to hear from you and I have lots of new blogs planned. The anger is halved by writing, kind of like therapy which can’t be bad. Do you have allergies?
Thank you Ruth! It was a horrible experience. It’s great to hear from and thanks for the comment. I’m still coming to terms with it.
Wow Ruth – i am so glad you got through that one and are still with us. Oh my goodness. XOX
Emotionally turbulent reading and much appreciated that you take time to share.
No-one in this day and age should be a test case for any catering establishment.
Sadly i recognise your voice, and that of others who understand probably only too well, will no doubt continue to be vital in communicating that anaphylaxis is a beyond serious issue.
Allergies are not just about a faddy preference.
Nice one for the work you do!!
Thank you for raising awareness.
Thank you Alex, it was horrible. It’s affected me way more than I ever thought it would. Will be blogging about how I’m recovering, because it is getting easier. I just feel like I’m a ticking time bomb