If you are very allergic to dust, cleaning the house is probably NOT your favourite job and you wouldn’t be alone. No one likes vacuuming… ha ha. So imagine how excited I was recently when I was given a Dyson V8 to try out. This is a sponsored post, I did not pay for the Dyson vacuum – Thank you Dyson! I really love it. It’s fantastic for anyone with a dust allergy because it’s so cleverly designed…

When beautiful Dyson V8 emerged from its box for some proper testing I can actually say I even now enjoy hoovering.
I’ve given it a thorough test and I LOVE it!
Pro’s and Con’s of the new Dyson V8 for your dust allergy
Firstly the best bits
- It is so easy to empty – This is by the far the best bit about the Dyson V8. I mean I love everything about it, but not having to come into contact with any dust is the best positive if you have a dust allergy
- It’s space age look
- It’s streamlined curves
- The eject button is just the best! So easy to swap attachments.
- No huge puffs of dust, just a very swift jettison of all that horrid dust… once you get the hang of it, and hold it over a bin to empty.
- Easy to clean – Just empty regularly
- Fun to use, glides around effortlessly.
- Light weight
- Quick to charge
- Comes with a whole load of handy and useful attachments
- Charge lasts for AGES (about 45 mins to an hour)
- Easy to store in cupboard, takes up very little space
- Durable, I’m still using it years later.
- Love seeing all the dust build up inside
- Easy to unblock
- Dyson after care is great and if you do get a problem you’ll easily get help and advice.
The Con’s of using my new Dyson vacuum
- Puff of Dust – You can get a bit of dust puffing out if you’re careless, But you do get used to that, and can empty it at arms length and keep your head away.
- Dust can get caught – If you over fill you may need to dig and fish about up the sides to remove huge chunks of dust that can get lodged in hard to reach places. Overfilling prevents some of this.
- Recharging is tricky – Once you’ve got it set up it’s a doddle but I really struggled to get my charging bit working. You have to feed the cord through some hole or other and it’s really rather fiddly. Don’t ask for advice getting yours sorted, I’ve done it once and hopefully don’t need to ever do it again. I’m ashamed to admit that I actually needed help from my Mum to get the charger sorted… You can fit the docking station to the wall, which I plan to do when I get sorted. At the moment it has to kind of lie on the floor while it charges but this does work fine.
- Needs looking after – This could be seen as a negative but I’ve got used to the extra attention and maintenance that the Dyson cleaners need. Basically, it’s not like your old hoover that you could just fit the bag and fill it to bursting and empty it when suction began to reduce. With the Dyson vacuums you do need to remember to check the filters, empty regularly, not hoover up large objects so check the area and sweep up large items, and clean those filters with the brushes provided. If you do this you’ll have no problems.
- Cleaning the filters – This is an essential if boring chore that must be done regularly if you own a Dyson. It’s actually pretty easy to do, just run them under the tap or use the special brushes supplied for the purpose. However remembering to clean them isn’t so easy if you have a scatter brain like mine! It’s worth doing this regularly as the vacuum can go wrong if you don’t. The filters should last quite a long time if you clean them regularly and can be replaced easily through Dyson.
- Cost – These vacuum cleaners do not come cheap at around £400.00 but I would say it is well worth it. (I would like to add at this point, I am reviewing this for Dyson and have not paid. This is a sponsored post.) Especially if you want your dust allergic kids to be safe using it too. There are also other smaller and cheaper models, like the Animal; I know several people who are thoroughly pleased with theirs. The Dyson v8 is just sleeker, more powerful, better designed, holds more dust and holds charge for much longer. The decision of which one to get is up to you! You’ll never want to use your old vacuum again. Click here for prices and to buy yourself a Dyson: Dyson V8 Absolute Cordless Vacuum
Sponsored Blog Post: Special thanks to Dyson for giving me this hoover. The Dyson v8 is absolutely brilliant for anyone with a dust allergy.
I would love to hear what other people think of their Dyson, do you have one? Do you love it? Or do you have another vacuum cleaner that you find better for your dust allergies.
I love my cordless V6 Animal, and as its so quick, easy and light to move from room to room – and especially upstairs, where I battled to carry my heavy work horse – then you going to clean the floors a lot more often, and remove more nasty dust.
And simple to clean the carpets in a car.
It cost £200, so considerably cheaper than the V8, and as long as you are careful with it and not overfill, it’s a joy to use.
Thanks Mum 😉 You can join the Dyson fan club too