I recently discovered Gnawbles from Creative Nature whilst testing products for the FreeFrom Food Awards but it wasn’t until I met Julianne at an event in London that I finally succumbed! She had brought samples with her and I was able to try all the varieties. I was hooked!

I have honestly never loved a sweet snack more. My favourite is the Hazlenot flavour, but they come in lots of different varieties including Salted Caramel, mylk chocolate and the orange flavour ones that are tiny, crunchy protein snacks.
Julianne Ponan, the creator of this incredible brand, also has multiple life threatening allergies herself and is passionate about making life better, safer and tastier for people with allergies.
Think Maltesers meets Ferrero Rocher and you’re close. Obviously I’ve never had a Ferrero Rocher because I’m allergic to hazlenuts but friends tell me the taste is very similar! The wizards at Creative Nature have worked their magic to create this delicious chocolate creation and the best thing is that they’re freefrom all of the Top 14 allergens!

Everyone has their favourite freefrom snacks. I used to love Maltesers, Crunchies, Galaxy Chocolate, Curly Wurlys and loads of other chocolate confectionery but that was back in the days before my dairy allergy reared its head. I miss being able to browse a huge selection and choose something from the shelves in any shop.
Now it’s a challenge to find exciting treats as so many chocolates have ‘may contain’ warnings, including the nut and dairy free options available in many cases.
Safe freefrom brands that are guaraneed nut and dairy free include Nomo, Plamil and Cocoa Libre, as well as, of course, Creative Nature.
It is proving hard to find these in mainstream supermarkets but you can buy Gnawbles direct from Creative Nature, as well as their other products, including cake mixes, pancake mix, brownie mix, protein mix bars, cacoa nibs and apricot kernals. I’ve tried all the cake mixes including carrot and banana and they’re all so easy to make. The pancakes made the thickest, fluffiest American style pancakes I’ve ever made. They were delicious!
You really should try these, and if you now can’t decide which products to buy, they do bundles which give you a bit of everything!
Best of all, these guys are local so let’s support a British FreeFrom Brand!
Visit Creative Nature and use code WHATALLERGY10 for 10% off anything you buy!
But we really do need to talk about my Gnawbles habit. Early in lockdown I bought three whole boxes and ate them all myself… true fact!
I found myself doing the same again the following month and felt compelled to give most of them away as I watched my lockdown tummy growing with a Gnawbles baby! I think I’ve got the addiction under control now but I CAN feel another order coming on!
Remember to use my code when you order and you’ll be supporting my Gnawbles habit xxx
Huge fan!! My daughter has a severe peanut allergy and I am lactose intolerant so finding any snacks or treats we can all enjoy is usually a nightmare however these are delicious!! Really crunchy and light with a delicious nutty taste, nothing else I have tried even comes close. Highly recommend not just for those with allergies but for all!
They really are soooo good. Remember to use code WHATALLERGY to get 10% off all purchases. And look out for other deals on their website.