Could it be possible? Sadly, yes it is. If you’re allergic to grass, tree pollen, weeds, moulds, dust, air borne pollutants and allergens you could experience hay fever symptoms all year round!
My eyes water pretty much all the time.
This can be caused by different air borne particles or just be a symptom of dry eyes, something many people experience as they age, during menopause or due to allergen triggers.
It’s difficult to manage because you can’t see these air borne allergens and you never really know exactly what’s causing it.
Pinpointing which mould, weed, tree pollen or pollutant isn’t easy. Some people react to perfumes and fragrances which can be almost impossible to avoid. Consider that, anyone could be wearing perfume or aftershave, shops often pump smells around their shops to make you buy more, like the smell of fresh bread, coffee or just a ‘fresh clean smell’. But these artificial chemical smells can cause serious anaphylactic reactions for some people, not just eye and airway irritation.
I digress. This blog is about year round hay fever and it reminded me of a poem that I wrote when I realised that my eyes were finally calm and not irritating me. It was the depths of winter and I was dreaming of springtime… until spring came and brought with it pollen!
So here’s a little poem for you, it just might help 😉
Spring betrayal
A poem about hay fever and the seasons…
In March, it starts.
The sniffs and smarts.
My eyes are streaming
And I am dreaming
Of winter
And arctic winds,
To cool my burning cheeks
And weeks and weeks
Of snow
And rain
With no release, until
At last, the snowdrops
Peek their delicate heads
To meet the early dawn.
And I am won.
I am undone.
Willing on the coming Spring.
Feeling warmth upon my skin.
The first weak rays
Of tender sun and then,
In March, it starts…
Hope you liked my little poem… about hay fever and how you crave for a season and then realise it’s not so good after all.
I’m hoping to publish a book of my poems soon so watch out for more information on that soon! It’s close, oh so close!
Do not despair though, there are things you can do to reduce these symptoms and to help you cope with those watery eyes.
For tips on how to cope with dry eyes and watery eyes read, “Daily hay fever and dry eye treatment’ here.
I’ve been using these new eye drops from Artelac. They have some that protect your eyes during the day and also another product that keeps them moist and healthy at night. I think they really do help. I’ve found great relief and then been able to have a few weeks with no eye drops.
I think mould season is finally kicking in now though and the central heating is definitely affecting my eyes. How are your eyes in autumn and winter? Do you get all year round hay fever?

If you’re interested in finding out more, visit
You can buy Artelac here on Amazon or from Superdrug.
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Yes I get something all year round, and wearing a mask doesn’t help, lol. My eyes nasal congestion and nasal drip runs pretty much every season. Since I started late in life with all of this allergy stuff it is still an adjustment. I have tried so many things including shots and at this time nothing has had any long term effect. As you mentioned with most allergens being unseen I have no idea what causes my reaction. As I write this Text the nasal drip has been continuously running down the back of my throat. Nasal rinse here I come, especially before I go to bed!! ♂️
Hi Daryl, It’s frustrating isn’t it when you can’t pinpoint what is causing your problems. Someone recommended a saline nasal rinse product so sounds similar. I think a mask doesn’t help because it just gets in through your eyes somehow. Have you had any testing done to find out what you react to? Might be interesting to find out. It’s possible you may have allergies in your home… I’m working at reducing all unnatural chemicals in my house and slowly getting it as natural as possible.