I’m so excited to let you all know that on Monday evening I will be on TV on the Food Unwrapped programme with the lovely Kate Quilton.
The show explores the shocking truth about eating out with allergies and follows a group of brave and intrepid allergy adventurers going out around London.
Tune in to Channel 4 at 8.30pm on Monday 26th October to watch this Food Unwrapped special and discover the shocking truth about eating out with allergies.

I’ll be sharing the link to watch it back afterwards if you miss it.
The show features the family of Natasha Ednan-Laperous who sadly lost her life after eating a baguette at Pret which contained undeclared sesame. New laws come into force soon to prevent further deaths due to inadequate food labelling. Check out the Natasha Foundation.
It was also the day I met Julainne Ponan, the owner of Creative Nature and the creator of Gnawbles. If you know me you’ll be aware that I have a slight addiction to these gorgeous chocolate snacks. If you’d like to try them, please use my affiliate code WHATALLERGY10 for 10% off. It helps to keep me supplied with Gnawbles… 😉
Also on the show are the inspirational Dan Kelly of the May Contain blog and Natalie Newman the Intolerance Gourmand with her son Callum.
And as if that’s not enough, I also met fellow Author Michelle Diane Lowe who has written a series of diverse allergy books for kids. Look for Dairy Free and Happy on Amazon!
I must also mention the amazing Rachel and Stefan, the final two adventurous allergic diners. All of us had allergies, some of us multiple allergies and had so much fun filming. We all bonded over shared stories and got to know each other and I’m so please we have all stayed in touch.
Since I haven’t seen the show yet I can’t say much more except to say we are all amazing in it!
I do hope the editors were kind…
Those of us who were lucky enough to make it through to take part in the programme will also be joining each other on Zoom for a Goggle box style meetup so we can watch it together. We had planned to do this in person, but obviously that isn’t possible in these strange times.
I’ll also be sharing that video too so you can see our reactions to seeing this programme for the first time!
So set your alarms for Monday night at 8.30pm. I’ll be watching. Will you?
Wow, I’m so glad to come across this article and look forward to watching the program next week with my family. As a mom of two teens with multiple food allergies, I know how important it is to navigate food allergies and what it means to eat out safely. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Kathy, I’m so excited to see the programme. I hope they do a good portrayal. I’m sure they will as Food unwrapped is always a good watch. I’ll check out your tags too. Thank you! did you know I wrote a book? The Reluctant Allergy Expert, How to kill the fear that anaphylaxis could kill you. Might be a useful stocking filler 😉
Thrilled to come across this article! I will go back and google the episode to watch. I am a Certified Master Trainer with AllerTrain and I own and operate a Certified Free From Baking Company. Learning about food allergies is all I do for the safety of my customers. Your information about celery allergies and symptoms is quite helpful.
Hi Alison, if you’re going to watch this you might also like my next blog: https://whatallergy.com/2020/10/in-response-to-the-anonymous-chef/
And there is also a link to watch it in this later blog. It’s not easy to find the playback. It’s on Food Unwrapped Investigates. Thanks so much for your comments and for all you do for those with allergies. What is your baking company? Please feel free to share a link here.
I saw a repeat of a programme eat well for less.
Greg and his mate filmed with boy with nut plus other allergies.
These two had their eyes opened when they began research, it opened their eyes
I wish more chefs or cooks did programs similar
OH Wow I need to watch this one. When was it on? I’ll google it. The one I was in was really good but it only touched the tip of the iceberg and hardly got into the subject in enough detail at all. It felt unfinished and that we needed to go into way more detail. They also had a really douchey chef with such vile opinions it enraged me how much air time he got with his toxic comments. They also had my favourite Chef Dominic Teague but he also came across as saying we allergy customers are really awkward. It made me cross. So yes I agree – I wish more chefs did programs like this! My dream is to be on Saturday Kitchen and make them cook an allergen safe meal for me!