This weekend I was in The Sun on Sunday, Fabulous magazine with a full page spread and some fantastic coverage for allergies, anaphylaxis and eating out with allergies.
You can read the article here: ‘My Dinner out almost killed me and left me too scared to leave the house!’
It’s a very serious subject and easy to let the focus slip when we are living through a Pandemic with many food establishments closed and most with a reduced offering.

I certainly haven’t eaten out much over the whole period until the last few weeks and boy am I glad now that I feasted on a breakfast (at Rowans Garden Centre) and Christmas Turkey dinner (three courses at the Three Oaks GX) because now I have some memories to see me through until we can go out again!
Rowans Garden Centre free from breakfast
The breakfast was delicious and I hadn’t planned to eat out at this garden centre; I did have my adrenaline and my one safe snack in my bag but had thought we would be just grabbing a coffee. When my friends ordered snacks I thought I’d just ask what they had to offer. The breakfast I had was really good! Bacon, eggs, gluten free sausages, gluten free buns and poached eggs. It was so tasty, and felt so good to be eating out with friends.

Three Oaks for Christmas lunch
This is one of my favourite restaurants and is just up the road from my house. I had to search for hours for my Medicalert bracelet because I’ve not had to wear it for so long.
It was also a bit different because I let my Mum book this. She told them about my allergies and I let her take control. I didn’t speak to them until I arrived. This is not the normal way of things for me, but it felt really good to have someone else take control, to trust them and to let them look after me.
I have eaten out at The Three Oaks many times before and trust them. They have quite a few options that are available. The chef always goes through the menu, marks up what I can have and then the waitress discussed what was safe. The roast dinner was my choice and it was so tasty.

So, to end this little blog about the coverage in The Sun, it is possible to eat out with allergies. There are lots of establishments who understand about allergies and have procedures in place and can put your mind at rest but please take care and be careful.
Always phone ahead, check what is safe and don’t ever take any risks. Also take your adrenaline with you whenever you go out!

I am now living in Tier 4 so the only place I’ll be eating is my own house and my Mum’s for Christmas dinner, which I’m looking forward to! We have a feast of roasted veggies planned and a chicken in the slow cooker. The rest of the time we will be going for a walk and playing games and drinking.
Happy Christmas everyone. What is your allergy safe Christmas going to be like? Did you see this article in The Sun on Sunday Fabulous magazine?
See you all in 2021.
I’m so glad that you had such good experiences Ruth, it’s really encouraging. Keep safe, merry Christmas from another tier 4 place.
Hi Andrew, yes me too! There are some really good places to eat if you do your research and make relationships with them. The 3 Oaks is such a treat to have right on my doorstep, I can literally walk there. The rest of Christmas will be 100% safe as it’s just me cooking and my Mum, who is an expert on catering for me. Hope you have a lovely Christmas too! A Tier 4 Covid Christmas! We certainly won’t forget this one will we? I swear one year I am going to just go away on holiday for Christmas.
Hi Ruth, I really enjoy your blog on the issues of eating out with allergies. Unfortunately where I live, telling a restaurant that you have certain allergies , usually gets you an eye roll and you are seen as a difficult customer. Serving staff have no training in this area at all and usually don’t even know what ingredients are in any of the dishes-not their fault. As a result I hardly ever eat out and if I have to ,I ask for a salad no cheese, no onions. Often this is ignored and I have to send the food back. Doesn’t make for a relaxing or interesting meal. I don’t get asked out often by friends anyway because they know how difficult it is.
This Christmas,like everywhere else ,we were not allowed to have a big Christmas gathering ,so I managed to order a meat platter to my specifications and make my own salads and pud. Actually a much more relaxed day altogether. May make this my standard Christmas day ☺️
I know it’s really tough. I’ve certainly found all the pandemic restrictions a relief in some ways. No pressure to go out and all meals prepared at home by me. Certainly so much safer and less anxiety. Where do you live Meryll? I am very careful about where I go. It’s not an easy decision. Lots of research and phoning ahead. Ps. Hate that eye roll! So rude! Take care and thanks so much for your comment xxx