People who suffer from ‘significant’ allergic reactions should not take Covid vaccine, UK regulators warn.
The UK’s drug regulator has warned that people with have a history of “significant” allergic reactions should not receive the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) issued the warning after two NHS staff members who were administered with doses on Tuesday both suffered an allergic reaction.
The two NHS staff members, who are understood to have a “strong past history of allergic reactions” and carry an adrenaline auto injector with them, both recovered after receiving the appropriate treatment.
It remains unclear what element of the vaccine the two staff members were allergic to, while The Independent understands that officials were not aware this would be an issue.
Professor Stephen Powis, national medical director for NHS England, said: “As is common with new vaccines, the MHRA have advised on a precautionary basis that people with a significant history of allergic reactions do not receive this vaccination after two people with a history of significant allergic reactions responded adversely yesterday.”
This means that anyone scheduled to receive the vaccine on Wednesday will be asked about their history of allergic reactions.
The MHRA advice states: “Any person with a history of a significant allergic reaction to a vaccine, medicine or food (such as previous history of anaphylactoid reaction or those who have been advised to carry an adrenaline autoinjector) should not receive the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine.
Anaphylactoid reactions are defined as those reactions that produce the same clinical picture with anaphylaxis but are not IgE mediated, occur through a direct nonimmune-mediated release of mediators from mast cells and/or basophils or result from direct complement activation.
What are the ingredients?
So far I’ve not been able to find this information out but I’m on the case.
Traditionally this varies on each vaccine but ingredients can include aluminium, squalene oil (found in the flu vaccine), gelatine, emulsifiers and sorbitol.
Sometimes vaccinations can contain eggs, taste improvers and other more rare and strange ingredients like parts of shark livers.
As far as I can tell the ingredients in this vaccine are as follows:
List of excipients
ALC-0315 = (4-hydroxybutyl) azanediyl)bis (hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate),
ALC-0159 = 2-[(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide,
potassium chloride,
potassium dihydrogen phosphate,
sodium chloride,
disodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate,
water for injections
None of the above appear to be allergens… so it’s unclear what those staff members reacted to.
To find out more about the vaccine visit the Government website here: Regulatory approval of Pfizer BioNTech vaccine. for Covid-19 vaccine.
What if you are taking immunosuppressants?
I’m including this because I was taking Methotrexate back in April last year for my eczema and to help me through Topical Steroid Withdrawal.
Immunosuppressant therapy, may have a diminished immune response to the vaccine. No data are available about concomitant use of immunosuppressants.
This is just a word of caution as it’s mentioned in the drug documents. Speak to your doctor if you are worried but it shouldn’t cause you problems.
Why is this vaccine allergenic?
I thought I’d add to this blog with the latest news from the BSACI from Dr Adam Fox.
Experts have met to discuss what caused the two reactions and it could be polyethylene glycol (PEG), But that’s not certain!
You can read more here:
BSACI Statement on the MHRA Guidance 10.12.2020 – BSACI
So for now, those with severe allergies are advised not to apply or have the vaccine until more is known.
Thanks to the BSACI and Dr Adam Fox to addressing this.
Will you taking the Covid-19 Vaccine?
Are you worried about the vaccine? I’m scared of taking anything so new and untested, it just worries me.
Maybe it’s partly due to my experience with topical steroids and a growing mistrust of those medical experts who appear to ignore my concerns as a patient. And it’s not clear yet what element of the vaccine caused the reaction.
It appears to be completely safe for the majority of people and is being rolled out across the country. The medical advice is to get vaccinated if you can and let’s all admit, we’d all like to get back to some sort of normal life now.
Will you be getting the vaccine?
Image source: Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Hippokratia on NCBI – Anaphylactoid and Anaphylaxis
Government website here: Regulatory approval of Pfizer BioNTech vaccine. for Covid-19 vaccine.
Is this 100% accurate, as many people without allergies may thing we are making this up”can I share this article?
Hi Christine, yes go ahead and share! It’s also in the Sun, Metro and other online websites. I chose the independent for obvious reasons 😉 – and yes it’s true! Just not sure what they reacted to yet. Whether it was an ingredient or excipient as they call it, or whether it’s due to the formulation of the vaccine or some other reason. People with allergies should not take this vaccine until a safe option is available.
Keep going Ruth. I have never been able to have the flu vaccine, one small test dose and I look as though I have been stung by a wasp; It is the incipients, other ingrediants that cause the problem. Vaccines for instance have sorbitol in them which acts as a preservative, this is made out of corn of which I am acutely allergic.. Doctors continue to think that a little does not matter, but it does and what tests have ever been done on us allergics. More publicity the better. We have been let down totally by the NHS who do not see allergies as a serious problem. Try and find out what is in the vaccine. xx Jacquie
Hi Jacquie, see above now, I’m busy beavering away here to get to the bottom of it. There is definitely Sucrose so you’re not gonna get a good reaction to that. The links are above if you want to look through. very detailed but it’s all there.
just reread your potential ingrediants, sucrose would do it for me. I cannot break it down, don’t know if its allergy or intolerance but would make me very ill. Jacquie
Gosh Sucrose is a tricky one. It’s not technically an allergy is it because it’s the sugar in fruit. But if it gives you a bad reaction you should avoid it. Worth asking your doctor what other options there are. Why it’s got sugar in I don’t know. It’s not eaten is it? It’s injected.
thank you Ruth. There are different sugars, its not the taste. Fruit sugars are single sacharides, cane and beet sugar are double sacharides and have to be broken down by an enzyme in your digestive system. I am missing it so who knows what sucrose in the vaccine comes from My doctor is well aware, but just means I do with out.. There is quite a lot on the WWW about sucrose intolerance which is probably for the reason I have given. Jacquie
And they never seem to label where the sucrose comes from do they! Must be very frustrating
From a paediatric consultant in Southampton:
Many of you may be concerned to read this today as the MHRA regulator asked people carrying adrenaline auto-injectors for severe allergy to refrain from the vaccine whilst they investigate two allergic reactions during roll out yesterday. Some reasons not to panic folks – Firstly no allergic reactions were recorded in the clinical trials of this vaccine in over 40,000 people, I would expect at least a couple of hundred have allergy and carry adrenaline so this isn’t going to be common side effect as we would have seen this already. Secondly MHRA will investigate and change this guidance when they have more details – they are protecting the safety of the vaccine by reacting in this way – not saying that it is not safe. Thirdly the side effect profile is lower in those aged over 55 in these studies and that’s the group that are being asked to be immunised at the moment, I could go on……. so in short don’t panic, stay in the queue and we will have more info when it’s your turn or the turn of your child
Fructose is the sugar in fruit, not sucrose.
From a paediatric consultant in Southampton:
Many of you may be concerned to read this today as the MHRA regulator asked people carrying adrenaline auto-injectors for severe allergy to refrain from the vaccine whilst they investigate two allergic reactions during roll out yesterday. Some reasons not to panic folks – Firstly no allergic reactions were recorded in the clinical trials of this vaccine in over 40,000 people, I would expect at least a couple of hundred have allergy and carry adrenaline so this isn’t going to be common side effect as we would have seen this already. Secondly MHRA will investigate and change this guidance when they have more details – they are protecting the safety of the vaccine by reacting in this way – not saying that it is not safe. Thirdly the side effect profile is lower in those aged over 55 in these studies and that’s the group that are being asked to be immunised at the moment, I could go on……. so in short don’t panic, stay in the queue and we will have more info when it’s your turn or the turn of your child
Hi Andrew, thanks for a measured and helpful response, as ever. Love how you’ve used the term ‘allergic reactors’ – brilliant. It is a very small number who reacted isn’t it. Probably made the news also because they are NHS staff. I just saw this and initially thought it would be good to cover to remind those with an egg allergy for instance, to beware, but it isn’t that at all. I can’t see any known allergens in the vaccine. So I guess we wait and see. And if people are having the vaccine in places with medical support, any reactions can be dealt with.
Half of the people in the clinical trials were the control group, so only 20,000 go the shot. When there are 7 billion people in the world, that is a very small sample size. Polyethylene glycol is allergenic. I believe the manufacturers know this is a dangerous shot and don’t care.
Please read this article for info on Polyethylene glycol allergy.
Second, I had eye surgery (cataract) with an injected lidocaine and carrier agents and 24 – 48 hours later developed severe uticaria on the side of my entire face that lasted a week. Benedryl at max dosing only helped with the discomfort but did not slow the swelling, rash, pain and oozing. The culprit was hyaluronidase (bovine testicular protein derived) used to spread the lidocaine. There were a few eye surgery journal articles about this problem, but none of the practitioners had seen this reaction in their specialty clinic.
I also could not complete use of post-op compounded drops due to painful burning after about a week of use. I did the second cataract op with local anaesthetic drops – lidocaine with other ingredients. but minus the hyaluronidase. No problems.
More than 10% of the U.S. public is allergic to neosporin and related topicals but there is no warning on the box or tube. I had a similar uticaria issue when I used it on my face, never again.
After 2 jabs of Pfizer and 2 boosters I still experienced the same reaction – shooting pain down arm on injection, pain and ache in full arm, minor swelling, with a pounding headache. Symptoms abated after 6-8 hours. Now looking for which of the additives could have caused this. While not technically an allergic symptom, there is definitely something in the vax that I reacted to. Due to age I did not want to NOT get the jabs, and at least I knew what to expect after the first one. I reported this to my physician, but have not read similar symptoms in any Pfizer or NIH website. Just fyi.
Thanks so much for this Ellen, that’s so interesting. And like you say, the peace of mind you got from having the jab was just about worth it. If I discover what the ingredient might be I’ll share on here – I found it really interesting
How many people were tested in trials with known allergies. Do not agree with Andrew Williams, I am now 80 . and more allergic than ever. Not sure paediatricians are immunologists.. I have had some dreadful experiences with drugs and react to the flu vaccine. and any help over the years at Southampton has been elementary, and humiliating . They need to catch up with the private sector
Hi Jacquie, I am so sorry to hear you’ve had such problems and not encouraged to hear you are getting more allergic. I have developed a few new allergies in my 40s, although wonder if I did have the allergy before just milder. Soya, broad beans and kidney beans all came on as I got older. So odd. born with a few and collecting them along the way like stray cats. Some get better and some get worse. I’ve reacted to a drug before or a drip, not sure what but it was an anaphylactic reaction, both times in hospital and I never got to the bottom of what caused it. Stay safe and take care in these weird times.
Just one quick look at the ingredients should be enough to put anyone with allergies off. One of the reasons fragrances are likely to cause reactions is because they have so many chemical ingredients and it is impossible to pinpoint what someone would be allergic to. I believe this is the same issue here.
Whilst I appreciate that a few people without underlying issues have died or have had this virus badly, I am still non-plussed as to why something with a 98% survival rate needs a vaccine and why this was rolled out so quickly. Personally, the more research I do into vaccines, their safety and efficacy, the more inclined I am to avoid them, trust my own immune system and take my chances with the diseases they’re meant to protect you from.
I am not highly allergic but from the research I’ve done, I am becoming more and more convinced that the BCG I had, when I was in my teens, tipped my immune system over the edge and caused my IBS, food intolerances and other allergies. There is no way that I will consider taking the vaccine – I believe it has not been tested for long enough and, so far, only on totally healthy people so, in my view, it is far too great a risk.
Hi Sue, I am also skeptical but then I always have been. And I think I always will be. Having compromised my immune system, adrenals and lymph glands for most of my life I am now just building them back up again and any medication makes me very wary. The drugs given to me my whole life to heal me made me sick. I am not great with fragrances either. But I don’t know all the facts. Loving this debate though. I think that’s why I love this country so much, that we can come on here and debate this and it helps us feel calmer and like we have a voice. Methotrexate for my skin gave me shingles last year. Topical steroids got me so addicted I’m still fighting through withdrawal. I’m just feeding my immune system as best I can. I did just read that Vitamin C is supposed to be very good and combatting Covid if you catch it so bring on the fruit and veg. Stay safe lovely Sue. xxx
We don’t need a vaccine. There are viable treatments and the high survival rate you mentioned. This is about power, control, and money. I think this vaccine will prove to make several young women sterile. Bill Gates is pushing the shot and he is known for thinking we are overpopulated.
thank you Sue for replying, we are obviously sing from the same hymn sheet, it is the ingredients. that cause the problems, cheap and nasty. Jacquie
I don’t even understand what the ingredients are nor how they might help prevent covid. Keep singing from that hymn sheet ladies. I love getting comments on here. You make my day.
thank you Sue for writing. It seems we are singing from the same hymn sheet. It is the ingredients in vaccines that cause problems, cheap and nasty.
thank you Sue for writing. It seems we are singing from the same hymn sheet. It is the ingredients in vaccines that cause problems, cheap and nasty.
Dear Ruth ingredients are called excipients and are added to the vaccine as stabilisers and preservatives like we put preservatives in food otherwise it would deteriorate and not be safe to use xx Jacquie
In general, allergic reactions to vaccines, such as the flu shot, are extremely rare.
Yes I know, you’re right. But anaphylaxis is also very rare, however it is a reality for many of us who are unfortunate enough to get it to certain foods and triggers. It’s still a real worry to some of us. Maybe unjustified but it’s still there! Like my food allergies are always there…
Herpezine needs to suffer an acute allergic reaction. Only then wit]ll they, he or she understand how terrifying it is. The first immunologist I went to see was Professor Jonathan Brostoff nearly 40 years ago. He took one look at me and said you are like something out of an allergy book. He sadly died in August. He wrote several books in which he wrote how terrifying that an acute allergic reaction makes you feel that death is imminent. I have had one very bad experience with a Bee before we all had epi[pens. I am not rare, there are many of us, but so often dismissed, and misdiagnosed because of medical ignorance. and complete lack of help from the NHS. Now just get given an epipen and told to get on with it
I know Jacquie, allergies are becoming more and more common and yet the medical experience is not growing with our numbers. It’s why I write this blog, to help people to feel less alone. The huge gap between getting a diagnosis and living with the condition. And I can relate to that feeling of impending doom. The body knows something really bad is happening and it needs you to take it seriously!
65000 extra deaths in a year is another way of saying that the recovery rate is very high….but for people of compassion it is a much more humanly accurate way to asses the impact of Covid 19.
No one knows what caused the serious reactions which looked anaphylactic apparently. The suspicion in British Allergy is that PEG, an ingredient in Ruth’s post list could possibly be the culprit. More details will probably emerge. The MHRA are being understandably cautious. All the very best to you all.
Oh thanks for the update Andrew. As I type, my region is about to go into Tier 3 so the ever present danger of covid is around. We must all stay vigilant and the vaccine will hopefully mean an end to this current period of isolation and loneliness for many, and of course worry and stress for those working on the front line. I’ve heard of PEGs before and know they are something can be a problem for those with allergies. It could well be that. Although I’ve only read previously about skin reactions as you often find PEG ingredients in sun screen, shampoo and skin creams. I’m sure I read an article this week that urges those with allergies not to panic and that it should be safe to have the vaccine under supervision but I can’t find it now. I’ll share it here when I do. Stay safe everyone and thanks again Andrew. I know it’s stressful but allergies in the news is all raising awareness for those of us that have to remain vigilant all the time and not just in a pandemic!
There is no ever present danger of covid, not anymore than there is the ever present danger of millions of viruses out there. There never was a pandemic. The shots violate the Nuremberg Code.
Sort of an update from the CDC for anyone interested. I will update the blog when I have time but in the meantime:
Another great article urging us not be too scared of vaccines from Allergic Living in the US –
For anyone interested, a little update. I’ve read that the Pfizer vaccine is not recommended for anyone with allergies, but the Oxford one is OK. And another article here for your perusal:
I think people need to look deeper, here’s some information to start with.
4-hydroxybutyl acrylate comes up as being a corrosive irritant used in industrial paint and plastics.
hexane-6,1-diyl is a polyfluorene derivative which can be used in intracellular imaging of cells in the body.
ALC-0159 is a lipid used to make nanoparticles.
Polyethylene glycol or PEG has never been used in a vaccine before but it is used in a multitude of personal care products and hypersensitive or allergic reactions to it are becoming an increasing concern with 70% of people developing antibodies against this substance. This means that many people could develop allergic, potentially fatal reactions to the vaccination.
This is a hazardous substance that is classed as ‘harmful if swallowed’. The Research Certificate of Analysis makes the following statements:
Acute toxicity, Oral (Category 4), H302
Acute toxicity, Inhalation (Category 3), H331
Skin irritation (Category 2), H315
Eye irritation (Category 2A), H319
Carcinogenicity (Category 2), H351
Reproductive toxicity (Category 2), H361
Specific target organ toxicity – single exposure (Category 3), Central nervous system, H336 Specific target organ toxicity – repeated exposure (Category 1), Liver, Kidney, H372
Acute aquatic toxicity (Category 3), H402
Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate Dihydrate is listed as a corrosive irritant.
There are many sources you can use to gain detailed information on the individual ingredients listed.
Good luck if you are getting the jab.
Alan you make this vaccine sound delicious! It’s horrifying reading that list. How on earth is consuming any of these elements good for a human being? Someone please tell me…
And some more reading… 21 Americans have had ana reactions to Pfizer vaccine –