Many of you will hopefully have already read my Anaphylaxis guide, previously called The Reluctant Allergy Expert – How to kill the fear that anaphylaxis might kill you. Well it’s had a make-over for 2022. We’ve rebranded so it now has a new title, a new cover and brand new cover image. I hope you like it as much as I do.
Now called Anaphylaxis: The Essential Guide: An Action Plan For Living With Life-Threatening Allergies, it’s a big improvement I think.
Everything you need to know to navigate life with anaphylaxis
Anaphylaxis has the potential to hijack your everyday life but it is possible to create a positive path forward.
Anaphylaxis can be terrifying. It can make people severely ill and in rare cases it can be fatal. Symptoms can include difficulty breathing and swallowing, rashes, vomiting, collapse and loss of consciousness. Every person’s allergic reaction is different and the symptoms can also be different depending on which allergen they come into contact with. They might only suffer a mild reaction at first, but the reactions may become severe over time.
Ruth Holroyd, who is severely allergic to nuts, dairy and other foods, has a lifetime of experience of anaphylaxis. Through research and her first-hand experience she has compiled a self-help guide for people living with the condition, their family and their friends.
In Anaphylaxis: The Essential Guide, you will discover information, help and support to face this frightening condition with confidence. Ruth shows you how to:
- Get a diagnosis swiftly and how to come to terms with it
- Recognise the other factors that can affect the severity of a reaction, including exercise and medication
- Put together an Anaphylaxis Action Plan with day-to-day tips and strategies for staying safe at home and at work, eating out, holidays and dating
- Assess possible treatments, therapies and resources
- Cope with the psychological impact of living with anaphylaxis and severe allergies
- Take action when you’re feeling depressed or anxious, or experiencing panic attacks
- Create a positive and resilient mindset, and reframe the condition to feel less excluded and more in control
“Genuine and invaluable insights into allergy. It’s the sort of book I’d love to give to all my allergy patients”
Dr Adam Fox, Guys and St Thomas’s Hospital
New Year, New Title, New Cover
What do you think? Is it an improvement?
Hopefully the new cover and title will:
- Help the book stand out on the shelf next to other titles
- It’s more eye catching and appealing
- The title more succinctly explains what the book is about
- It should mean more people living with anaphylaxis or caring for someone who is can find the book
- It should help with search terms and amazon’s algorithms of books!
It’s available to buy now on Amazon for £9.99 but if you’re not sure, you can find out more, read testimonials and watch a video review here: Anaphylaxis – The Essential Guide – More info
And for posterity, and in case you hadn’t seen the old title and cover, here it is, the original version, The Reluctant Allergy Expert – How to kill the fear that anaphylaxis could kill you. I still have some old copies of this version

What do you think? Is it an improvement? Or did you prefer the old version?
Saw part of your talk today in Birmingham at the allergy show. Was really enjoying your take on things then got dragged away by my husband and child (he who has the allergy) was gutted. Thanks for what I did hear today (up to funny stories) now I’m off to buy your books on amazon.
Hi Natasha, thanks so much for coming! My biggest fear is no one turning up for a talk 🙂
But it was a really lovely show and a wonderful friendly audience. I so hope you love the book. My unpaid job now is to help others, that big yawning gap from diagnosis to living with life threatening allergies is so huge and so daunting and it’s a constant learning opportunity for me, even now! I am still coming down from the show high today… LOL. But what a blast. Glad you enjoyed it too. What was your favourite allergy show product that you found?