I hope you enjoy this lighter post, just to try to explain what it’s like to be ill at Christmas. I’m not saying anything about my skin, I don’t want to jinx myself or encourage another Christmas Eczema Flare!

12 Days of Christmas – the eczema skin version
On the first day of Christmas
TSW gave me to me
a spreading and worsening rash.
On the second day of Christmas
TSW gave to me
two raw sleeves,
and a spreading and worsening rash.
On the third day of Christmas
TSW gave to me
three days of itching,
two raw sleeves,
and a spreading and worsening rash.
On the fourth day of Christmas
TSW gave to me
four hours sleep
three days itching
two raw sleeves,
and a spreading and worsening rash.
On the fifth day of Christmas
TSW gave to me
five open wounds
four hours sleep
three days itching
two raw sleeves,
and a spreading and worsening rash.
On the sixth day of Christmas
TSW gave to me
Six unwelcome comments
five open wounds
four hours sleep
three days itching
two raw sleeves,
and a spreading and worsening rash.
On the seventh day of Christmas
TSW gave to me
Seven days of weeping
Six unwelcome comments
five open wounds
four hours sleep
three days itching
two raw sleeves,
and a spreading and worsening rash.
On the eighth day of Christmas
TSW gave to me
Eight shocked stares
Seven days of weeping
Six unwelcome comments
five open wounds
four hours sleep
three days itching
two raw sleeves,
and a spreading and worsening rash.
On the ninth day of Christmas
TSW gave to me
Nine times flushing
Eight shocked stares
Seven days of weeping
Six unwelcome comments
five open wounds
four hours sleep
three days itching
two raw sleeves,
and a spreading and worsening rash.
On the Tenth day of Christmas
TSW gave to me
Ten bags of skin flakes
Nine times flushing
Eight shocked stares
Seven days of weeping
Six unwelcome comments
five open wounds
four hours sleep
three days itching
two raw sleeves,
and a spreading and worsening rash.
On the Eleventh day of Christmas
TSW gave to me
Eleven sleepless nights
Ten bags of skin flakes
Nine times flushing
Eight shocked stares
Seven days of weeping
Six unwelcome comments
five open wounds
four hours sleep
three days itching
two raw sleeves,
and a spreading and worsening rash.
On the Twelfth day of Christmas
TSW gave to me
Twelve attacks of zingers
Eleven sleepless nights
Ten bags of skin flakes
Nine times flushing
Eight shocked stares
Seven days of weeping
Six unwelcome comments
five open wounds
four hours sleep
three days itching
two raw sleeves,
and a spreading and worsening rash.
I had so much fun writing that, it’s a bit of fun but it does help to illustrate the total and utter sh*t show that Topical steroid withdrawal is. It is a condition that never stops giving you false hope, worsening symptoms, then a little bit of healing, only to get even worse.
It is a nightmare. Many people suffer in silence because they can’t face sharing how truly dreadful it is on a daily, hourly basis. So we struggle on in silence.
If you want to know more about Topical Steroid Withdrawal, please check out ITSAN, the global charity for TSW, for information, research and help.
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