If you're going through Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) or living with active eczema you'll know how difficult it can be to work out what's right for your skin. If it's oozy do you let it dry out? If it's dry do you moisturise and what should you use? There is so much advice out there and everyone seems to be diving into moisture withdrawal, but I've really struggled with … [Read more...]
I can’t help everyone…
I can’t help everyone. But I can help everyone I can. This was drawn by my incredibly talented niece Lou for all nurses, and especially our step sister Chelle who is working on Covid wards and who we are all so proud of. The words really hit home for me. As someone who has realised through therapy that one of my life’s callings is to serve others and help wherever I can, … [Read more...]
FreeFrom Food Awards 2020
This year's FreeFrom Food Awards happened online with Zoom networking and afterparty and #FFFA20 trending on Twitter at number #29. Here's the low down... Asda wins FreeFrom Product of the Year at virtual FreeFrom Food Awards presentation. At the first ever virtual presentation of the FreeFrom Food Awards, Asda was awarded the Product of Year for their Plant Based … [Read more...]
Best Allergy Blog 2020
So thrilled to be named as one of the Best Allergy Blogs for 2020. It makes all the hard work feel worth it and is a lovely reward. Thanks to every one of you who supports me on my blogging journey, liking, commenting and sharing. Together we can help raise awareness and drive change. I am in good company again, here are the other contenders: It's an itchy worldFARE … [Read more...]
Foot eczema healing in 2 weeks
When a good friend of mine asked me if I had any advice about the eczema on her feet I wasn't sure if I could help. I'm not a doctor, but I can share what helps me. She knew about my topical steroid withdrawal journey and didn't want to use the steroid creams. The transformation in just a few weeks is amazing. Mim's foot eczema before I met Mim a few years ago … [Read more...]