Just really quick thank you to each and everyone one of you who read this blog, comment regularly and support me by coming over to read my wafflings. It can feel lonely blogging but I can see from the stats that you guys are reading more and more and coming back and also new readers are finding this blog. So thank you. I've been busy beavering away to bring you … [Read more...]
‘The metal allergy guide’ 5 star book review
If you're allergic to nickel then the chances are you'll know the basics. If you've had a diagnosis after testing at an allergy clinic you probably got the one page handout that I received, which was helpful but by no means expansive. There are a lot of places nickel can be found that you would not expect it to be. Reading this book, The Metal Allergy Guide, by Alex … [Read more...]
Being a twice published author!
Happy National Author’s Day! A great day to celebrate my writing achievements. I am so proud to be able to call myself an author, a writer and a poet. This short video tells the story of how I became one, fulfilling my dream to be a real author! I've always loved reading and wrote a daily diary from the age of about 12 until my 20s. I still write and journal today but … [Read more...]
Natasha’s Law will help save lives
"From October 2021, Natasha's Law will require food businesses to provide full ingredient lists and allergen labelling on foods pre-packaged for direct sale on the premises. The legislation is being introduced to protect allergy sufferers and give them confidence in the food they buy." I have been waiting for this day and I'm so proud of what the Ednan-Laperous family have … [Read more...]
My life with anaphylaxis in chat magazine
I just had to share this brilliant article which was featured this week in Chat Magazine, with the fantastic headline of "Snogging me comes with a health warning!". That made me laugh so much, possibly the heading for my dating profile? This article details my allergy journey, from my first even anaphylactic reaction, diagnosis with a nut allergy, right up to my last … [Read more...]