It's happened! I've had the vaccine! And I just wanted to write a little bit about how much anxiety I felt, how that is completely understandable and you should not beat yourself up about feeling scared, and finally, how for me, my story was easy, simple and I had no complications. Here's my advice. Speak to your GP I phoned my doctor when I got my invitation for the … [Read more...]
Latex Allergy #101
I have a latex allergy, have done since it first emerged one Christmas Eve when I was blowing up balloons and my face swole/swelled (?) up larger than any of those balloons! I've written quite a few blogs in the past about elements of this allergy and how it affects my life but there are so many things to consider... Speaking to a friend today who was recently diagnosed … [Read more...]
30 Amazing women in allergy
To mark International Women's Day, I thought I'd give a shout out to just some of the amazing women in the allergy world. I left it late to research this so I hope I've not missed anyone. If I have, let me know as I want to keep this list updated. It is an ongoing project to keep this list up to date! Here they are, in no particular order: I know there are so … [Read more...]
Top 10 allergy books for adults and kids
It's Allergy Awareness Week so I've updated and recycled this post. Apologies if some of it's familiar. These are my favourite allergy books: I had to start with my own, because it's a life's ambition to write this book and also it's the book I wish I'd had, the hand to hold mine as I tried to make sense of why my body was reacting in such a scary way to certain … [Read more...]
My allergy free Lockdown Birthday
Despite not being able to see friends, most of my family or go out for a meal as I would normally do for my birthday I had the most wonderful day. Thanks to everyone who made it special. I hope this gives you all a few ideas of how to make a lovely Lockdown birthday. It was the thoughts, the kind texts, messages and knowing people cared, even if they couldn't see me, that … [Read more...]