In case you missed it, my first ever book has just been published. 'The Reluctant Allergy Expert: How to kill the fear that allergies could kill you' is out now and packed with information, advice and tips on how to thrive despite living with or caring for someone with life threatening allergies. [Ed: This book has been renamed and has a new called Anaphylaxis: … [Read more...]
Could a pill prevent anaphylaxis?
I saw this headline and thought of that dream we have of a cure for anaphylaxis. If you could just take a pill to stop anaphylactic reactions. But is it safe? What might the side effects be? As someone going through withdrawal from topical steroids I'm very wary of drugs, especially any with such lofty claims. The drug, known as BTK (Bruton’s tyrosine kinase) inhibitors, … [Read more...]
Stopping the allergic march
The atopic march or allergic march describes the typical journey seen in atopic people, beginning with hay fever, eczema, asthma and building into life threatening and often multiple allergies. The way I understand it, when a child is born with dry skin and eczema, often the first sign of atopy, this is the beginning of the march. Eczema is often not treated seriously … [Read more...]
I can’t help everyone…
I can’t help everyone. But I can help everyone I can. This was drawn by my incredibly talented niece Lou for all nurses, and especially our step sister Chelle who is working on Covid wards and who we are all so proud of. The words really hit home for me. As someone who has realised through therapy that one of my life’s callings is to serve others and help wherever I can, … [Read more...]
FreeFrom Food Awards 2020
This year's FreeFrom Food Awards happened online with Zoom networking and afterparty and #FFFA20 trending on Twitter at number #29. Here's the low down... Asda wins FreeFrom Product of the Year at virtual FreeFrom Food Awards presentation. At the first ever virtual presentation of the FreeFrom Food Awards, Asda was awarded the Product of Year for their Plant Based … [Read more...]