After the flurry of blogs that filled Allergy Awareness Week last week, I am reflecting on why I write. There are many reasons, including to share stuff I've learnt, help others and as a therapy; the latter being very high on the list. Writing about having allergies and ranting occasionally about things that get me irate does really help me process this condition and develop … [Read more...]
Living in fear of your allergies
Nobody should be living in fear, it's not a nice place to be. Believe me, I've been there. I have spent years too frightened to eat out. Scared people will laugh at me or think I'm a freak. Fearful that I will stand out, cause a fuss, be a pain in the allergic backside. But that's all stopping now. Since last year when I decided I was going to demand better and not hide … [Read more...]
I love my Nairns oakcake tin
Allergy Awareness Week just keeps on getting better and better. Today I give you, the new Nairns oakcake tins! You'll never find a dead one crumbled in the bottom of your bag ever again. Always a sad way for a humble oat cake to go; ignored, lost and disintegrated into a pile of stale crumbs. Much better nice and crisp and inside your tummy. They are the perfect … [Read more...]
What’s coming up for allergy awareness week?
This year Allergy Awareness Week runs from 20th to 26th April and there are loads of ways to get involved. I have been neglecting my blog these past few months (sorry!) but I'm easing myself back in. Circumstances outside my control left me with very few blogging brain cells left and not much time to write them. It did make me realise just how much time I spend on this blog … [Read more...]
100 unknown chefs and me on Radio 5 Live
If you didn't read my rant last week in response to the Telegraph article about the letter from 100 top chefs up in arms about the new allergen regulations, where have you been? Social media has been buzzing with irate allergics and coeliacs but not much from the supposed Top Chefs in question. First of all, the chefs and restaurants who complained were not top chefs. The … [Read more...]