About ten years ago, I took a YorkTest test on the advice of my then nutritionist. I wasn’t getting any help from my doctor at the time who told me I couldn’t possibly have other allergies! We were struggling to pinpoint which foods were triggering my stomach and skin complaints. They didn’t seem to be reactions like my allergy to nuts and dairy so she suggested an elimination … [Read more...]
How to Manage Your Children’s Food Allergies
Mother of two, Stephanie Gatewood, 43, from Virginia, US, knows only too well how stressful food allergies can be. Both of her children suffer with severe peanut allergies. She has a blog called Peanut Free Parenting and has written a book called When Peanuts are Poison. Speaking about how her children’s severe peanut allergies affected family life, Stephanie says that the … [Read more...]
Peanut desensitisation treatment
Today the news about 'groundbreaking' peanut desensitisation featured widely on the radio and in the newspapers and it was heart warming to hear the story of Lena, who can now live without the fear of peanuts after her successful treatment and many other children who can now tolerate eating up to five peanuts every day! Out of 99 children who were given the new form of … [Read more...]
Emerade – the new adrenalin autoinjector
Emerade - Available from February 2014 A new Adrenaline Auto-injector now available in the UK; Emerade is now available on NHS prescription. You use it in much the same way as the Jext and Epipen by removing the safety cap, pressing to the outer thigh and holding in place for 5 seconds. However you'll notice the Emerade looks quite different to the others and is all … [Read more...]
Only 17% of people with allergies/coeliacs trust waiting staff
Damning results from a recent survey suggests that "Only 17% of allergy sufferers and coeliacs trust waiting staff to give them accurate information about allergens or gluten in the food they are serving." A wake-up call to the food service industry, many of whom are only just now getting to grips with the new regulations that, as from December 2014, will require them to be … [Read more...]