You might be thinking, why do I need an Anaphylaxis Action Plan? I know what to do... I used to think that too, until I had a few anaphylactic reactions and really didn't do things in the right order. I panicked and also sometimes I was very quickly too ill to act. Having an Action Plan helps you, your family, your child and your friends and any caregivers or emergency … [Read more...]
Not getting the help you need? Try PALS
If you feel like you are desparate for help and waiting lists at your local Allergy Hospital or clinic are months and months long. Appointments and real advice and support are hard to find but there is another option. You could try your local Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). My MP told me about this early this year when I wrote to him about my fears about the … [Read more...]
How to be a FreeFrom Food Awards judge
Not not just anyone gets to be on the panel of FreeFrom Food Awards judging. Places are very sought after and only the lucky few get chosen - it's certainly something I look forward to every year and it's so much fun, but there are certain rules you MUST obey. To be a good FreeFrom Food Awards judge you must: Love Good Food - That's the easy bit. Judges come from very … [Read more...]
Root canal surgery and allergies – Six things you need to know
After my own recent root canal surgery I have learnt a great deal about the possible pit falls for those with allergies or sensitivities. My dentist was really helpful and looked into every aspect of the surgery and used alternatives to the things that could have made me very ill. So here's what you need to know. Ask about the rubber dam. This is used to protect your … [Read more...]
Xanthan or Xanthum gum allergy
Do you have sudden, strange and unexplained allergic reactions to gluten free and other freefrom foods? You know you've checked the label and everything looks to be safe... Maybe you are even reacting after food cooked using gluten free self raising flour but you just can't work out what's causing a problem? Well you're not going mad, you may be allergic to xanthan gum … [Read more...]