Natural Balance Foods recently sent me a very generous selection of their Nak'd bars to try out but since I have a nut allergy they're no good for me. Bit of a shame, however I do have a very eager taster at home and also found a very lovely family to test them for me. Quite a few were snaffled before delivery to the official tasters. Mr WhatAllergy was suitably impressed. … [Read more...]
Can Derren Brown cure allergies?
Anyone who watched Derren Brown's latest phsychological programme will have seen him having quite staggering results helping people to overcome their fears using a placebo drug. Sounds great, but some of the people on the programme had allergies, asthma and dermatitis. The coverage was sketchy but there were random comments from participants saying they had less asthma and … [Read more...]
There’s a hole in my bread, dear Genius, dear Genius
Now we all know that gluten free bread has come a very long way since those first sprouted loaves we tried so hard to eat and the shrink wrapped delicacies which had use-by-dates months in the future. We're now spoilt for choice, and even when sometimes your gluten free loaf has a hole, it's such a pretty hole, you don't really mind so much. It almost looks like a mouse hole … [Read more...]
Did you miss me?
I've missed all of you guys and my trusty blog but life has just reared up and stolen all my blogging time away lately. I have loads of things planned for you like a write up of all the amazing things we learnt at the last Allergy Support Group with a nutritionist speaker, also learnings from the Anaphylaxis Campaign volunteers conference which I was thrilled to able to … [Read more...]
The lonely peanut, a poem by Ruth Holroyd
The lonely peanut A poem by Ruth Holroyd. Nobody likes peanut He sits all on his own He can’t go on an aeroplane So he has never flown He was only a little peanut Just a little peanut An innocent little peanut With a crisp, hard shell Nobody trusts peanut Since a little boy got ill He has to stay home now They say he could kill! He was only a little peanut Just a little … [Read more...]