What do you never leave home without? I am one of those people with a Mary Poppin's type bag, inside which I carry around everything but the kitchen sink. Sometimes I wish I could leave the house with nothing, but there are so many things I have to take that I end up covering every eventuality. Let's start with the bag itself. It is ginormous. There are the obvious … [Read more...]
A fibrous diet may benefit people with asthma
Asthma is known to affect millions of people worldwide. It can be triggered by various environmental factors including dust mites, animal fur, smoke and even pollen. For asthmatic patients, the airways in the lungs are very sensitive to irritation and may become inflamed easily, making it harder to breathe. This condition cannot be cured, but it can be managed effectively … [Read more...]
The Best Anti-Allergen Bedding
No one wants to be beset by coughing, sneezing, breathing difficulties and a feeling of general malaise; although unfortunately nowadays it seems that more and more people every year are being affected by allergies. Although animal-based allergies are very common, the most common at present are allergic reactions caused by dust mites and their droppings. Living inside of our … [Read more...]
8 benefits of oxygen therapy for eczema and asthma
I've been having oxygen therapy now for a couple of months so what have I found? Has it helped? What are the benefits? Well I'm going, once a week now, so that tells you something. Full of energy - Straight after a session, I often feel a bit sleepy. It is so calming inside the chamber, so quiet and a real opportunity for an hour of down time, reading, listening to music … [Read more...]
Beware of flu vaccine if you have a latex allergy
Anyone who has asthma may be familiar with the invitation for a flu vaccine. If you are higher risk, ie. the elderly, unwell or people who have asthma or breathing problems there is a chance of complications if you do catch flu. Over the years I have had many flu jabs and haven't actually had flu since I was a small child. I don't tend to get colds ever (oh the irony, I will … [Read more...]