This is my message to Pizza Express, who are experiencing debts at the moment. Please don't close. You are one of the few places I know I can just turn up at and feel safe about ordering a meal that is completely freefrom my allergens.To find out more about what's happening with Pizza Express and the debt they're in, read Earning its crust, Pizza Express hires advisers over … [Read more...]
Teignmouth tops for allergies
If you have allergies or are coeliac and you're planning a visit to Teignmouth in Devon you'll be very satisfied with what you find. This visit involved some of the usual military planning but also some unplanned spontaneous eating out and some lovely home cooked safe food. All totally freefrom dairy, wheat, soya, nuts, tomato, celery, broad beans and kidney beans. My … [Read more...]
Dairy free, nut free, wheat free tapas, twice in one week!
This is a really quick blog with some delicious pictures of food that I've eaten recently at Tres Corazones tapas restaurant in Wendover. I went with a group of friends for a Christmas dinner and then treated myself to lunch this week because it's so quick, tasty and safe for people with allergies. They cook everything fresh from scratch when you order which means they … [Read more...]
Listen very carefully, I shall say this many times…
This week a waiter in Canada has been charged after an allergic diner was served fish instead of steak; the customer was seriously allergic to fish and has alerted the waiter about this but sadly he had an anaphylactic attack and spent two days in a coma. Why did this happen? How could this happen? How can you get fish and steak mixed up? This kind of thing happens too often … [Read more...]
10 places I’ve eaten out over the festive period!
It's the festive season so I've been eating (and drinking) out at quite a few places this month and we're only half way through! I thought I'd share where I've been, what I ate and how I got on. Ruth vs Reactions! So here, in order or appearance this month... Tres Carazones tapas restaurant in Wendover This place is brilliant! They understood about allergies, went … [Read more...]