I am about to embark on a dangerous adventure, to get the remaining amalgam fillings that have been lying festering in my mouth now for decades, removed for good. I have enlisted my trusted local dentists' surgery to do the job and I'm now researching how to ensure the exercise is as successful and mercury free as possible. Are amalgam fillings really safe? When you … [Read more...]
Stop Scratching – a poem about eczema
Something a bit different today, a very sad poem that I wrote in 2008 when my skin and allergies were particularly raw. I am happy to report my skin is so much better but I thought it might sound familiar to some of you. Just stop scratching... By Ruth Holroyd The itch is consumingIt takes over my brainMy skin I am tearingThe relief is the pain Thickened and … [Read more...]
Homeopathy was a waste of time for me
Belatedly, here are my thoughts after week three of taking my homeopathic remedy. Apologies for the delay but various things, holidays and work got in the way of blog writing. What did homeopathy do for my skin? Right now things are getting seriously hard to cope with. I feel like my body is whirling out of control; I've been having a mild/moderate reaction now for … [Read more...]
Homeopathy made me super itchy
It's week two of my homeopathic adventure and I'm finding it tough now, but no tougher than a normal week when I've had bad reactions to food. I have felt at times like I'm having a kind of mild to moderate reaction (probably because I am) to the treatment and I have felt a little itchy. My face has been redder and more sore than normal, but if this treatment can ultimately … [Read more...]
Could Homeopathy make my eczema better?
I've heard of homeopathy before but never really understood what it was all about. I've suffered with allergies all my life too and never really understood what they were all about either. When it really gets me down I get to feeling "Why me?", but there isn't an answer. Doctors don't know why one person gets eczema, allergies and asthma, and another will not. My sister and I … [Read more...]