Fudge used to be a distant memory. The soft creamy delicacy melting on your tongue. I had thought that having a dairy allergy would just mean I would never again enjoy the pleasure of a bag of fudge. Wonders will never cease because the clever people at the Fabulous Fudge Factory have created just that - dairy free fudge. It is also amazingly and very pleasingly: suitable … [Read more...]
Taste test – Dairy free chocolate milk
I bought chocolate flavoured Rice Dream milk by mistake a few months ago and it's been sitting in the fridge feeling neglected ever since. Finally I gave it a go and knocked back a delicious cold glass of the stuff and it's good; not only is it very tasty, it also contains 120mg of calcium (15% RDA) so it's great for the skin and bones too. If you have a dairy allergy or … [Read more...]