Could there be a cure for peanut and dairy allergy? Those of us with one or multiple allergies often dream of a world where our allergies could be cured forever but it's a long way off. We all know that there are a myriad of tiny things that can help stabilise and improve life for people with eczema, asthma and allergies, but there isn't a cure. Desensitisation can offer hope … [Read more...]
Will Brett be cured of his milk allergy?
Desensitisation treatment has begun to appear here in the UK but it is still something only available to a handful of lucky people. In one of my previous blogs (to read it click here) we heard how kids have been cured of their peanut allergies at Addenbrooks hospital in Cambridge. Brett Nasuti, an eleven year old boy from America, has undergone six months of treatment for … [Read more...]