May contain, not suitable for, made in a factory handling, produced on a line handling... all these label variations become a commonplace inconvenience for anyone shopping with a food allergy or intolerance in mind. But are they over complicated? and do you get confused? More worrying still, are manufacturers actually giving us a) correct and b) enough information, so we can … [Read more...]
Wine labelling – can you get sulphite free wine?
Most wine contains some sulphites, and when you examine any wine bottle label you'll see it clearly indicated; contains Sulphites! Wine manufacturers now have to declare any allergens used as ingredients, including sulphites as the main additive. It's used as a preservative or anti-oxidant to make the wine last longer, but for those with a sulphite allergy it can cause very … [Read more...]
Walkers Salt and Vinegar crisps contain milk
I have recently discovered that Walkers Salt & Vinegar crisps, which used to one of the few flavours that dairy allergics could enjoy, has changed its recipe to contain milk. I usually get alerts by email and text but I'm pretty sure I didn't get one about this, unless I missed it, which is possible. I thought I'd put a post on my blog in case it saves just one person from … [Read more...]