Food allergies and rising costs leave 2 million households without a traditional Christmas dinner! Research from Allergy UK today highlights how food allergies and the cost of living may prevent nearly 2 million2 households from enjoying traditional festive food favourites this year. This means a potential 4.8 million3 Brits will be settling down to their Christmas dinner … [Read more...]
Win a copy of The reluctant allergy expert
In case you missed it, my first ever book has just been published. 'The Reluctant Allergy Expert: How to kill the fear that allergies could kill you' is out now and packed with information, advice and tips on how to thrive despite living with or caring for someone with life threatening allergies. [Ed: This book has been renamed and has a new called Anaphylaxis: … [Read more...]
What would I say to my teenage self?
Imagine if you could write a letter to yourself. Like advice from the future. With all the hindsight that comes with experience. Here's what I'd write to myself. Lessons learnt from being bullied This week is anti-bullying week and today is World Kindness Day. Both subjects close to my heart. But before I go any further, I would just like to point out that the … [Read more...]
The A word… on anaphylaxis, allergies
After the flurry of blogs that filled Allergy Awareness Week last week, I am reflecting on why I write. There are many reasons, including to share stuff I've learnt, help others and as a therapy; the latter being very high on the list. Writing about having allergies and ranting occasionally about things that get me irate does really help me process this condition and develop … [Read more...]
Living in fear of your allergies
Nobody should be living in fear, it's not a nice place to be. Believe me, I've been there. I have spent years too frightened to eat out. Scared people will laugh at me or think I'm a freak. Fearful that I will stand out, cause a fuss, be a pain in the allergic backside. But that's all stopping now. Since last year when I decided I was going to demand better and not hide … [Read more...]