Being a writer and a bit of a grammar pedant this cartoon made me laugh, probably more so because I am all three, an allergic writer who is pedantic about spelling and grammar. I saw it on Facebook last week and just had to share it.
Thought you could all do with some allergy laughs.
Anyone else allergic to grammar? I have to really stop myself correcting mistakes in emails from my clients sometimes. I’m never sure if it will go down well or not.
Finding the funny side of allergies
Allergies and anaphylaxis can be dark, depressing and terrifying. Finding some kind of humour can be really helpful, but there’s a fine line between a joke and being very insulting and insensitive. It reminds me of the time my work colleague thought I was allergic to teaspoons! Check out ‘Why I avoid teaspoons’ for a laugh.
Got any good allergy jokes?
Anyone got any good allergy jokes to share? What grammar mistakes really bug you? And any funny allergy stories? Please share them with me and stay safe my allergy family.
To finish, a link to a very popular blog. I can’t promise all these are good jokes, some are awful, but read my top twenty allergy jokes here.
I’m going to post this in a specific place and watch the blank expressions until my sides can no longer handle the pain.
Please share where you are going to share this… I have already had to explain some of it to someone ;p
I’m printing and posting it in an office. It won’t be as much fun unless I can be there when it is seen each time. I’ll never explain it because I truly don’t want to hurt their feelings. They’ll only assume it’s another of those things that makes me “weird”. 😉