I’m in the top 10 Vuelio Health Blogs in the UK again! This must be about the fifth year running and I’m really pleased to be amongst such good quality blogs again.
Blogging is hard work. Often a thankless task. And you can feel like you’re screaming into a huge, dark abyss as getting comments on a blog is like finding hen’s teeth!
So without further ado, well done and congratulations to:
- Special Needs Jungle
- The Mental Elf
- Evidently Cochrane
- talkhealth blog
- The Hippocratic Post
- Same Difference
- ME – lil ol What of Allergy!
- PsychReg
- Life in Breakdown
- Be Healthy Now
I won’t say much more on this except to express how pleased I am. And if you’re interested in learning more about mental health, disabilities and expanding your blog reading, the blogs above are all excellent.
Go take a look, and find out why each blog was chosen and a bit more about each one, you can read the full lineup here: Healthcare Blogs UK top 10.
Congratulations Ruth! Well deserved for your bravery and tenacity. It doesn’t matter that we don’t agree on every point but I see great value in your work.
Ha Ha… I think it’s important to have honest debate about these things. I respect your opinion so please keep reading! Hope you’re well. What are you up to these days?
I wanna win one!
Hahaha… no idea how they work it out! Feel like a fraud to be honest but I’ll take it.
And congratulations lol xx
Thanks Micki, not gonna lie, no idea how they work these things out but pretty chuffed to be there again. Love your blog too,
Well done! You deserve it., Many hours of work have gone into your blog which helps so many people with their own allergies. Good write up as well.
Thanks Mum! I really enjoy blogging and have so many in the pipeline. Not stopping any time soon. Thanks for all your support.