I’m no dating expert. That becomes obvious when you delve into my recent dating failures… Covid aside, I’ve not done much dating during the corona times due to TSW healing and the practicalities of that. If I’m honest I used it as an excuse to put all that on hold. Hiding behind a mask isn’t the best start to a date, although it does hide your eczema! Navigating any intimacy is tricky and since I wasn’t that body confident it suited me to back off.
But over the summer I went on a few dates and dabbled on some of the online dating sites.
If you’re interested in finding out more, check out my latest blog on the brilliant Talk Health blog, ‘Navigating the dating game with allergies and TSW.’
This is ‘part one’ of a series we’re doing on dating. We might be also doing an Insta live soon about dating because we had so much fun putting these blogs together.

My skin might look so bad in this picture above but it was red, hot and burning. I was mid TSW healing crisis which kind of goes through a red swollen faze, then an oozing and then a crusting and flaking. This was a mild one but still uncomfortable and I was very conscious of feeling over heated and red faced. It wasn’t a bad first date, he brought me gifts and we walked and talked. Well he talked…a lot more than me! It gave me confidence and I’d never had gifts on a first date before so that was nice. But it didn’t really lead anywhere. Perhaps it wasn’t right for either of us.
And so the dating game continues…
Would you be interested in an Insta live chat about dating with someone who has zero success at actually snaring a guy? HAHAHA 🙂
What I have been better at is learning to love myself. Sounds corny, but I really believe that when you stop looking, when you stop trying so hard to please others and find that special someone, you find yourself. Being happy on my own has been the biggest and most important lesson for me and it’s also the most life changing.
Honestly, if I don’t meet anyone I’m content with my life. I have an amazing family and great and supportive friends. I have a lovely, safe and comfortable home.. but there’s just that one thing missing…
Stay tuned to hear more…
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