This is my message to Pizza Express, who are experiencing debts at the moment. Please don't close. You are one of the few places I know I can just turn up at and feel safe about ordering a meal that is completely freefrom my allergens.To find out more about what's happening with Pizza Express and the debt they're in, read Earning its crust, Pizza Express hires advisers over … [Read more...]
Asthma risk for students at university
Every parent of a first-year student can relate to the nagging concern that their child isn’t taking care of their own health. It explains the food parcels, the multi vitamins posted special delivery and the strict instructions not to drink too much, sleep plenty and phone home when stressed. For most parents, there’s little need for concern. Their adult child gets along just … [Read more...]
Why have I got shingles?
I can honestly say this is the most painful illness I've ever had and depending on what sources you read, it could last anything from 2-5 weeks, or longer in cases with complications. Just a quick google of the symptoms gives you some idea of how bad the pain can be... it's one the biggest causes of pain related suicide, and I can understand why. It's relentless, with no … [Read more...]
Itchy palms, little blisters
It's National Eczema Awareness week (14-22 September 2019) so I had lots of skin and eczema related posts planned for you, as well as an update of my TSW journey. These may be a little delayed as I've just been diagnosed with shingles yesterday, which has knocked me for six. So I might give you some insight into the joys and lows of that! But I wanted to talk about these … [Read more...]
This has got to stop!
And it has to stop now! How are we still hearing about deaths from allergies when all the right questions have been asked, yet still people are served foods that contain the very allergen they've specifically informed staff they're allergic to? If you work in a restaurant and you get asked about the presence of allergens, please only answer if you 100% know the answer. Don't … [Read more...]