I'm using two shampoos at the moment. I switch it up, try different things and also get samples sent to me from brands on Instagram and also through judging for the Free From Skincare Awards so I'm not always that loyal... Sorry! I've tested loads of shampoos to find something that is kind to my dry, flaky, sore scalp and also makes my hair shiny and soft. More recently I'm … [Read more...]
Help fund research for Topical Steroid Withdrawal
This is a REALLY quick blog to share a petition created by my lovely friend Sofia who is also going through topical steroid withdrawal (TSW). There is currently very little real scientific research going on and we need this urgently! If you don't know what TSW is, you can dive down a rabbit hole with my other blogs on the subject or read my new and growing TSW FAQ … [Read more...]
New Topical Steroid Withdrawal Frequently asked questions
I get asked the same questions over and over again, so here, finally, is a work in progress, my topical steroid withdrawal frequently asked questions. I will be keeping this updated as I get asked more questions and discover new exciting resources that might help you guys. These FAQs are for anyone: Who has eczema, uses topical steroid withdrawal and is worried and … [Read more...]
Positive Affirmations for your skin
It might sound cheesy, but the more you tell yourself good things the more you brain is tricked into believing it. And this works even if you are lying through gritted teeth. And you wanna know why? Because if you're like me, you've been feeding your brain negative stuff your whole life. When the voice in your head is mean, and that's the only voice it hears, what choice … [Read more...]
What Allergy is 12 years old!
OMG my blog is nearly a teenager! How did that happen? The same age as two of my beautiful nieces! I hadn't realised she was born on the same year as them but oh how time flies. Yes What Allergy is a girl! Of course she is! It's been a wonderful journey. From the day I first began this blog, I've learnt so much and met so many amazing people along the way. So I thought I'd … [Read more...]