On Tuesday 8th March 2022, Topical Steroid Withdrawal was featured in the Health Section of The Daily Mirror in a huge double page spread, this is incredible coverage for the TSW community. It begins with the best introduction: "Despite growing evidence that topical steroid withdrawal is a serious problem causing nerve pain and skin problems worse than the condition they … [Read more...]
Doubt is the worst symptom of Topical Steroid Withdrawal
I am terrified that Topical Steroid Withdrawal is here to stay. That I'm going to be stuck like this, struggling to heal, in pain, with dysfunctional skin. Itching, shedding, flaking, cycling through flares, losing sleep and feeling like I'll never get better and heal. It's like a nightmare that keeps replaying. Not helped by my recent visit to the dermatologist who … [Read more...]
40 Amazing women in Eczema and TSW
Because it's International Women's Day, these are the women I'd like to thank, the women who have taught me, helped me and continue to help the eczema and topical steroid withdrawal community with education, service, blogging etc. Finding women working in a professional capacity in this arena (ie. dermatologists, doctors, scientists etc. was tough, it seems to be a highly … [Read more...]
Top 7 books for eczema and Topical Steroid Withdrawal
I've found reading one of the things that's really got me through topical steroid withdrawal (TSW). I can get lost in books and love learning about new things too. The eczema and TSW community has so many amazing creative souls, so here, in no particular order, are my top seven books for people with eczema and topical steroid withdrawal. Curing my Incurable Eczema by Cara … [Read more...]
20 reasons to get a Harvey water softener for eczema
I have had a water softener now for just over three months, it was installed back in November last year so I thought it was about time I shared how I was getting on. How is my skin? is it helping? What do I love most about my water softener? Before we go any further, I must be up front and tell you I was given this water softener. I hope I can repay this incredible … [Read more...]