I have just watched a really fascinating and interesting webinar hosted by talkhealth with George Moncrieff, entitled Atopic Dermatitis and the truth about topical steroids.
He explained everything about topical steroids, how they work, when they were invented and how they should be used.
He also went into detail explaining the skin layers, barriers and how corticosteroids and environmental factors affect the skin and damage its natural oils, PH and resilience.
And whilst I didn’t agree with everything he said, I came away from this webinar feeling uplifted, seen, understood and validated!
Because two huge things happened that were actually very powerful for me.
Yes TSW is real!
The first one being that Dr George Moncrieff actually said the words, Yes TSW is real. It’s the first time I’ve heard any medical professional say, Yes, TSW is real.
I’ve never been diagnosed with it, I’m just blindly following the path I think is right, against the advice of my own dermatologist.

“Topical steroid withdrawal is a real thing. Individuals lives are destroyed by it.” Dr George Moncrieff.
This is huge. It’s massive. It’s made my day. Thank you George.
There will be a national statement
He also told us that the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) and the National Eczema Society (NAS) will shortly be sharing an updated statement about Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW). This is also HUGE!
Because this means that doctors, GPS, dermatologists and other health practitioners can download this information and it will begin the process of working out what to do about it.
The first step is acknowledging that it’s real and allowing patients who are going through it to get a diagnosis.
The only thing I can get written on my medical notes is:
“She seems content not to rely on topical corticosteroids.” which is not probably how I’d phrase things. There is a huge leap to assuming I am content about any of this, but the sentiment is correct. I just want it on my records. She has TSW and is going through withdrawal.
You can download the Current Statement on Topical Steroid Withdrawal provided by BAD and NAS here.
To listen to this seminar visit the talk health website and go to the Events section. The recorded webinar will be available in the next few days to watch for free. All you have to do is create a login with talkhealth but if you don’t already have one, you should. I’ve found so much support, freebies, online events and learnt a lot too from this company.
I would love to hear how you all feel about this. It’s definitely a HUGE step in the right direction. TSW is real. One doctor thinks so! and I know there are others out there but for me, until today, doctors who recognise TSW have been a bit like unicorns to me. I didn’t think I’d ever meet one!
So thank you George. Thank you for seeing us. Thank you for listening to your patients and recognising a real condition. Thank you for talking about it so openly and frankly.
It is only by talking about this that we can help others to avoid this condition and help those who will be diagnosed in the near future. If research can be done and studies learn what is happening, then hopefully there can better treatment and support in the future for people living through it.
How do you feel? Does your GP or dermo recognise TSW?
Doing a little jig
I’ve been so emotional, I know how many people have been campaigning for these charities and organisations to stand up and recognise TSW and so this is such a groundbreaking moment. And it took one doctor to say, yeah it’s real and Oh yeah, here’s a link to the statement from BAD and NAS. I was like. WHHHHAAAATTTT! Wait! What? Is this for real? And it’s good to get this when I’m in a bad way with my skin because it gives me even more hope.
i just want to say
thankyou for your comments,which i have just read this morning 5/6/22 noticed. i t has taken me four years to get thus far. i applaud you bravery. -using things like diprosone, using creams with things that are so obviously bad for me, personally.
i am in urgent need of a dentist., but cannot tolerate any material of clothing on my skin.
i have had a battle with eczema and allergies. at present, living in hampshire, reasonabbly intelligent people, you might imagine. oh dear! my own doctor would rather i blindly go on with.steroids. alice, a well wisher, happy poetry writing! my friend