If you can't eat dairy or soya the world of delicious rich and creamy yogurt is a distant memory. Well not any more; I recently discovered the new CoYo yogurt. It's made from coconut milk and is totally gluten, dairy and soya free. It tastes just like the real thing. Now I know there are some really good soya yogurts out there, but if you can't tolerate soya either they're … [Read more...]
M&S Sausages – accidentally gluten free
Sometimes you find things on the shelf that catch your eye, you check the ingredients, even though they aren't in the freefrom aisle. Whether this is some kind of self torture I'm not sure, but very occasionally, those tasty looking pork and leek sausages are gluten free! Marks & Spencer do this with a few products, they stock things which are dairy and or gluten free, or … [Read more...]
Marks & Spencer food – accidentally dairy free!
How many food products in the shops these days are accidentally dairy or gluten free, or both? By 'accidentally' I mean bog-standard every-day products which aren't trying to be free-from. What sort of selection is there available without including the growing number of free-from products that are on the shelves? A recent trip to Marks & Spencer reminded me of a few such … [Read more...]
Delicious quinoa crackers – discovered in Portugal!
In a recent blog about Allergy lessons learnt on holiday in Portugal I forgot to mention these delicious new crackers I found in one of the supermarkets. I've never seen them in the UK but they're called Le pain des fleurs" and are produced in France . The ingredients are not in English so I hadn't tried them until today, wanting to translate each item to ensure it's safe. The … [Read more...]
Free From allergen easter eggs
Buying chocolate, and Easter eggs in particular for someone with allergies can be daunting. Are there hidden ingredients that you haven't spotted? How can you be completely sure that the one you buy is the right one? Well things are getting better every year for those with dairy, nut and wheat allergies as the number of great tasty and allergen free options grows every year. … [Read more...]